Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/587

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and tried to follow it, but it seemed that the tracks extended no farther. This confused him greatly, and he said to himself: "Be the loife of me it was only just there that I saw the thrack, and it's sure I am that she could not have flew away. Oh! here it is again, and begorra I belave it's the thrack of a white woman, for sure I am that no dhurty spalpeen of an Injun could iver make such a dainty thrack as that. Sure and I'll look in that bunch of brush, perhaps it's there she is, the poor cray- ther."

He made his way up to the brush cautiously with a pistol in each hand, and just as he peered in two Indians sprang upon him and grabbed his arms, Which

They quickly bore poor Mike to the ground.

caused his pistols both to be discharged up in the air. They quickly bore poor Maloney to the ground and soon had him bound