Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/698

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should hear from me. The third day out we made camp early on account of water, and after deciding on the spot where we should pitch our camp for the night George rode off to a high ridge near by to take a look over the country. He was not gone long before he made his appearance riding at full speed, and announced that there was a large band of Indians coming direct for our camp, and would be on to us before we could saddle up and get away.

"Get your horses boys," were his first words, and every man made a rush for his horse, but before we could get saddled the Indians hove in sight, and not over half a mile away.

"There they are," said George as he jumped on to his horse again, "and there must be at least sixty of them."

I was not long in making up my mind what to do. We all got our horses saddled and were mounted just in

Riding into camp at full speed.