Page:Thirty-five years of Luther research.djvu/9

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EXCEPT the small work of Boehmer, cast in popular form, there is no complete treatment in English of the many problems in the Life of Luther that have been raised and investigated by scholars since the Four Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth in 1883. Hence The Lutheran Church Review requested the brilliant source-scholar, Prof. M. Reu, D.D., of Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, to prepare a Life of Luther in Recent Research, and published it in several special numbers. This work is so thoroughgoing, satisfactory, and important, and has been so enthusiastically received by readers, that the Joint Lutheran Committee on the Celebration of the Quadricentennial of the Reformation was moved to advise its separate publication.

It is the most up-to-date, fresh, and scholarly presentation of the subject in the English language, and will be of invaluable assistance to all Protestants who desire to gain an insight into the present Luther situation, and to become convinced of the justice of the Protestant cause.

Theodore E. Schmauk,

Chairman of the Joint Lutheran Quadricentennial Committee.