Page:Thom's Irish who's who.djvu/124

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GWYNN, Stephen Lucius. Educ.: St. Columba's College, and Oxford (B. A.); Teaching, 1886-1896; 1896-1904, literature and journalism in London; returned to Ireland; entered Irish politics; M.P., Galway, Nationalist 1906; joined army, Jan., 1915. Commissioned in 6th Connaught, April, 1915: Captain June, 1915; served in France in the Batt., Dec, 1915, to April, 1917, with an interval of six months in 1916. Chevalier of Legion of Honour, July, 1917; Member of Irish Convention; Member of Irish Recruiting Council, 1918. From 1919 onwards returned to profession of literature. Weekly correspondent of The Observer. Served on Irish University Royal Commission. 1908; Dardenelles Committee, 1917-18; b. Feb. 13th, 1864: eldest son Rev. S. Gwynn, Regius Professor of Theology, T.C.D. Pubns.: Comedies of Masset, translated; Edition of Odes of Horace; An Eighteenth Century Portrait Painter (memoir of Northcote). Fiction: The Repentance of a Private Secretary; The Old-Knowledge; John Morrell's Marriage; Robert Emmet; The Glade in the Forest. Verse: The Queen's Chronicler; A Lay of Ossian and Patrick. Criticism: Tennyson—a critical study; The Masters of English Literature; Thomas Moore. Topographs: Highways and Byeways in Donegal and Antrim; The Fair Hills of Ireland: The Famous Cities of Ireland; A Holiday in Connemara, Ulster, Munster, Leinster, Connaught. Essays: The Decay of Sensibility; To-day and To-morrow in Ireland; Fishing Holidays; For Second Reading; Irish Books and Irish People; Garden Wisdom. Biography: John Redmond's Last Years. Res.: Temple Hill, Kimmage Road, Terenure, Co. Dublin. Clubs: National Liberal, London; Stephen's Green, Dublin.

GWYNNE, Walker, Clergyman: b. Strabane, Co. Tyrone, June 7th, 1845; son of Richard and Ann (Walker) Gwynne; Strabane Acad. B.D., Gen. Theol., Sem., New York, 1871: D.D., St. Stephen's College, N.Y., 1911; m. Helen Bowers Lee, of Cooperstoen, N. Y., Jan. 16th, 1877. Deacon, 1871; Priest, 1872, P. E. Church; Curate, St. Paul's Church, Albany, N. Y., 1871: priest in charge, St. Raid's Free Chapel, Troy, N. Y., 18721876; Rector, St. John's Church, Cohoes, N. Y., 1376-84; St. Mark's Church, Augusta. Maine, 1884-93: Calvary Church Summit, N. J., 1893-1913, and Rector Emeritus since 1913. Deputy Gen. Cony., 1889-1892; President, Overlook Hospital; Trustee Corporation for Relief of Widows of Clergymen in N. J.: Member, Newark Clericus, Alumni Association. Gen. Theo. Sem., Highland and Canoe Brook Clubs. Author: Manual of Christian Doctrine, 1883; The Gospel in the New Testament, 1890; Confirmation and the Way of Life, 1892; Some Purposes of Paradise, 1892; The Gospel in the Old Testament, 1895; Seven Hundred Stories, 1917; The Gospel in the Church, 1909; The Christian Year, Its Purpose and Its History, 1915; Primitive Worship and the Prayer Book, 1917. Res.: 55 Woodland Avenue, Summit, N. J.

HACKETT, Felix Edward, Professor of Physics, Royal College of Science for Ireland. Res.: 20 Zion Road, Rathgar, Dublin.

HACKETT, Very Rev. Thomas Aylmer P., M.A., D.D. (T.C.D.); Dean of Limerick since 1912; Chaplain to Forces. Educ.: Chesterfield College; Trinity College, Dublin: Graduated, 1877, as Senior Moderator in Mental and Moral Philosophy, after taking honours in several subjects; Curate of Coleraine, 1877-80; Curate in Charge of Newcastle West, 1880-81; Rector of Kilmallock, 1881-1910, Chancellor, 1904; Archdeacon of Limerick, 1912-13; Rector of St. Michael's, Limerick, 1910-13: Canon of St. Patrick's, 1907; Member of Board of Patronage, Diocesan Court; Church Representative Body, Diocesan Council; Board of Education and Board of Missions. Pubns.: The Intermediate State: Papal Infallibility and Supremacy; The Parson and Priest; eldest son of Thomas Hackett, J.P., of Castletown, King's Co.; b. 1854; m. 1880, Helen, dau. of James Whiteside, M.D., Ballyarton, Coleraine, and has issue two sons and one dau. Res. The Deanery, Limerick University and Limerick County.

HACKETT, Thomas Dalby, Major, Indian Army, D.S.O.; M.Inst. P.T., Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms and Black Rod, Parliament of Northern Ireland. Royal Field Artillery, 1900-08, Indian Cavalry, 1903-10, Burma Commission, 1910-21; served in South African War and in Great War; mentioned in despatches, D.S.O. Warden of Upper Burma Oilfields, 1911 and 1914. Commanded Remount Depot, Fyzabad, 1916-17; commanded Shwebo Batt. Burma Military Police, 1917-18; commanded Military Police relief force, and afterwards punitive expedition in Kuki Hill Tracrt, 1918; commanded force which annexed the Somra Tract (an area of some 6.000 square miles adjoining Burma-Assam frontiers), 1918-19; Deputy Commissioner Upper Burma, 1921; b. 19th Sept., 1881; eldest son of Very Rev. T. A. Hackett, D.D., Dean of Limerick. Res.: Tara, Marino, Belfast. Club: Cavalry Club.

HACKETT John, J.P., Co. Tipperary; M.C.C.; M.P. Mid Tipperary, 1910-18; Chairman, Thurles Rural District Council since 1900; gentleman farmer; eldest son of Thomas Hackett of Longford pass, Co. Tipperary; b. Nov. 1865; unmarried. Educ.: Patrician Monastery, Mountrath. Since he left school, has been a member of