Page:Thom's Irish who's who.djvu/143

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Limerick, and Vice-President for many years of the Catholic Literary Institute in that City; served on Viceregal Commission (Killanin Committee) on Primary Education in 1918 and acted as Sec. to National Literary Society, Dublin, from 1920-1922. Contributor to Educational and Antiquarian journals. Author of several School books, and collaborator with his uncle. Dr. P. W. Joyce, in the production of the well-known "Handbook of School Management."

JOYNT, Venerable Robert Charles, M.A. (T.C.D.); Archdeacon of Kingston-upon-Thames, 1918; Canon Residentiary of Southwark Cathedral, 1917; formerly Curate and Vicar of Darnall, Yorks, 1881-1891; Vicar or St. George's, Sheffield, 1891-5; Gipsy Hill, 1895-1918; Holy T., Redhill, 1918-21. Hon. Canon of Southwark Cathedral. 1911-17; Rural Dean of Dulwich, 1905-16. B.A. (Junior Moderator, Classics), 1881; First Rank Honours, Classics and Modern History. Author: After Confirmation (Nisbet), 18th edition; Pastoral Work (Longmans) 2nd edition; Liturgy and Life (K. Scott); b. 1856; third son of Francis Joynt, Coolbanagher. Recns.: golf, walking, cycling. Res.: 12 Kingswood Road, Upper Norwood, S.E.19.

KANE, Rev. Robert, S.J., "the Blind Orator." Educ. at Clongowes and Ushaw; joined the Irish Jesuits, 1866; taught at Clongowes and Milltown Park, but his last 25 years have been devoted to the pulpit, and he has of late, notwithstanding his blindness, given widely-attended lenten courses in Dublin, Limerick. Liverpool, Manchester and London. Author of The Eucharist (1905); From Peter to Leo (1907); The Virgin Mother (1908); The Sermon of the Sea and other Studies (1909); Socialism (1910); The Plain Gold Ring (1910); Good Friday to Easter Sunday (1912); God or Chaos (1913); From Fetters to Freedom (1914); son of late Wm. J. Kane, of Dublin, and Mary MacDonnell of Saggart, Co. Dublin; b. 1848, Res.: Milltown Park. Co. Dublin.

KANE, Rev. William Vincent, S.J., B.A., LL.D. (T.C.D.). Educ. at the Oratory School and T.C.D.; called to the Irish Bar, 1879, and to the English Bar. 1889; for two years Chief Justice in the Niger Territories: entered the Irish Province S.J., 1891; son of late Wm. J. Kane, of Dublin; b. 1856. Res.: Milltown Park, Co. Dublin.

KAVANAGH, Lieut.-General Sir Charles McMorrough, K.C.B (1916), K.C.M.G. (1918), C.V.O. (1910), D.S.O. (1902) Educ.: Harrow, Sandhurst; b. March 25th, 1864; third son of Right Hon. Arthur McMorrough Kavanagh, Borris House, Borris, Co. Carlow; m. 1895, May, second dau. of S. Perry, Esq., Woodrooff, Clonmel, and has issue two daus. Eva and Frances; joined 10th Royal Hussars, 1884; Capt.. 1890; Major, 1901; commanded 10th Hussars, 1904-1908: commanded 1st Cavalry Brigade, 1909-1913; Fyzabad Brigade, 1914; Great War 7th Cav. Bde., 1914-15; 5th Division, 1915-16: 1st Army Corps, 1916; Cavalry Corps, 1917-1919: Foreign Orders: Croix de Guerre, Commander Legion of Honour, Grand Cross St. Lazarus and St. Maurice. Res.: Morristown Billar, Newbridge. Club: Cavalry Club, 127 Piccadilly.

KAVANAGH, Lieut.-Col. Edward James, D.S.O. (1918), M.C. (1915), M.B., B.Ch. (R.U.I.), Lieut.-Col. R.A.M.C. Educ. at St. Peter's College, Wexford, at Clongowes; served in European War (desps. thrice), 1914-18; son of Peter Kavanagh, of Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford; b. 1881; m. 1919, Dolly, only dau. of Vicomte de Boissard, of Senarpont, France. Res.: Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford.

KEANE, Lieut.-Col. Sir John, Baronet (Unit Kgd., 1801); D.S.O. (1915): Capt. (ret.), R.F.A.; Major, 1916; temp. Lieut.-Col. (Res. of Officers), 1920; Chevalier Legion of Honour. 1917; Barrister-at-Law; A.D.C. to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1896); served in S. Africa. 1899-1902 (mentioned in despatches): J.P., D.L., Co. Waterford; High Sheriff. 1911; eldest son of Sir Richard. 4th Bart., and Adelaide (d. 1907), dau. of the late John Vance. M.P.; b. 3rd June, 1873: s. his father. 17th Oct., 1892; m. 14th Feb., 1907, Lady Eleanor Lucy Hicks-Beach, eldest dau. of Earl St Aldwyn, and has issue one son, three daus. Res.: Cappoquin House, Co. Waterford; Army and Navy Club, S.W; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.

KEANE, Marcus Thomas Francis, D.L.. J.P., Co. Clare; third son of late Marcus Keane. of Beech Park. Co. Clare, J.P.; b. 1854: m. 1903, Henrietta Mary, dau. of late Major Molony, D.L., of Kiltanon, Co. Clare. Res.: Beech Park. Ennis, Co. Clare; Doondahlin House, Kilbaha, Kilkee, Co. Clare.

KEARNEY, E. J., Ophthalmic Optician; was for a number of years Manager of Cahill's. Optician to H.H. the Pope, and was the first to introduce optical machinery for the manufacturing of spectacle lenses into Dublin.

KEARNEY, Capt. Sir Francis Edgar, B.A.. LL.D. (T.C.D.); Kt., cr. 1916. Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin. Honoursman and prizeman in Ethics and Logics during entire undergraduate course;