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KNOX, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Edmond, K.C.B. (1900), eldest son of late Archbishop (Knox) of Armagh; b 1846; with Bechuanaland Expdn., 1884-5: S. African War, 1899-1902, Commdg. 4th Div. Southern Commd., 1902-6; Col. Shropshire L. I. from 1907; Lieut.-Gen. 1905, ret. p., 1909. Naval and Military Club; Cooleen, Farnborough, Hants.

KNOX, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Edmond, K.C.B. Mil. (1901); served in Bechuanaland Expedition, 1884-5; Commanded Bodmin Regt. Dist., 1895-99; and the 13th Brigade, South African Field Force, 1899-1900; Commanded 4th Divn. Southern Command, 1902-1906 (half-pay); eldest son of late Archbishop Knox of Armagh; b. 1846. Naval and Military Club, London, W.

KNOX, Charles Howe Cuff, M.A. (Oxon), D.L., J.P.. Co. Mayo (High Sheriff, 1893); Capt. late 8th Hussars; Hon. Col. 3rd Batt. Connaught Bangers, 1885-1922; eldest son of late Col. C. Knox of Creagh, and Lady Louisa C, dau. of 2nd Marquess of Sligo; b. 1840, m. 1869, Henrietta, 2nd dau. of Sir W. Gibson-Craig, 2nd Bart. Res.: Creagh, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo.

KNOX, Edmund Francis Vesey, M.A. (Oxon., formerly Fellow of All Souls College); Barrister Gray's Inn and Middle Temple, 1889; K.C., 1906; Bencher Gray's Inn, 1906; M.P., W, Cavan, 1890-5; City of Londonderry, 1895-8: eldest son of late Vesey Edmund Knox, of Shimnah, Newcastle, Co. Down; b. 1865; m., 1st, 1891, Annie (d. 1907), only dau. of late Wm. Lloyd, of Llantwit Major, Glam.; 2nd. 1917, Agnes, dau. of Julius Beerbohm and widow of J. R. Nevill. Res.: Shimnah, Newcastle, Co. Down; 25 Carlyle Square, London, S.W.3: Goldsmith Buildings, Temple, London, E.C.4.

KNOX, Brig.-Gen. Harry Hugh Sidney, C.B. (1919), D S.O. (1917). Educ. at St. Columba's College; late Col. Northamptonshire Regt., Col. Gen. Staff at Staff College, Camberley: served on N.W. Frontier, India, 1897-8; European War, 1915-18; fourth son of late Vesey E. Knox, of Shimnah, Newcastle, Co. Down; b. 1873; m. 1904, Grace, dau. of Rev. R. A. Storrs, of Shanklin, Isle-of- Wright, and has issue one dau. United Service Club, London.

KNOX, Lieut.-Col. Robert Sinclair, D.S.O. (1917) (two bars 1918, third bar 1919): Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batt. R. Inniskilling Fusiliers, European War, 1914-18; is a produce exporter; son of late Wm. J. Knox; b. 1881; m. 1917, Ivy, dau. of W. H. Lynch, Haslemere, Surrey; one son. Res.: Castlelugge, Greenisland, Co. Antrim.

KNOX, Thomas Granville, D.L., J.P., Co. Tyrone; served in S. African War, 1900-2; late Capt. 3rd Batt. R. W. Surrey Regt.; only son of Col. Hon. Wm. Stuart Knox, and grandson of 2nd Earl of Ranfurly; b. 1868; m. 1897, Hon. Harriet, 2nd dau. of 5th Viscount Clifden. Res.; 78 Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.1.

KNOX, Captain Ughtred Arthur Frederic, Capt. late Royal Irish Rifles; only son of the Utred Augustus Knox, D.L., J.P., of Mount Falcon, Co. Mayo; b. 1885. Res.: Mount Falcon, Ballina, Co. Mayo.

KNOX-BROWNE, Lieut.-Col. John Hervey, D.L., Co. Tyrone; late Capt. 12th Royal Lancers; late Lieut.-Col. 9th Brig. N. Irish Div., R.A.; eldest son of late Thos. Richardson Browne, D.L., J.P., of Aughentaine Castle, Co. Tyrone; b. 1843: m. 1867, Louisa Elizabeth, third dau. of late Sir Francis Arthur Knox-Gore, 1st Bart, (ext.); assumed addtl. name of Knox by royal licence, 1874. Res.: Aughentaine Castle, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone. Kildare Street Club, Dublin.

KOE, Major-Gen. Frederick William Brooke, C B. (1909), C.M.G. (1916); served on W. Coast of Africa, 1893-4; China Expdn., 1900; A.Q.M.G. Western Comd., 1912-15; Dir. of Supplies and Transport, 1915-16; Insp.-Gen. of Communications, 1916; son of late J. H. Pemberton Koe, of The Lodge, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary; b. 1862; m. 1887, Beatrice (d. 1920), elder dau. of R. W. Ashby, of Cobham, Surrey. Res.: Curraghbawn, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

LACY, Professor Frederick St. John, F.R.A.M.; Professor of Music in the National University of Ireland, at University College, Cork, since 1910; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, London; Member of the Royal Philharmonic Society, London; Life Member of the Musical Association, London; Life Member Society of Authors and Composers, London. Educ.: Castleknock College, Co. Dublin; Royal Academy of Music, London (Associate 1888; Fellow, 1911). Resident in London, 1886-1900: Associate (Royal) Philharmonic Society, 1888 (Member, 1918); Director of Music, St. Augustine's, Ramsgate, 1893-4. Returned to Cork in 1900; founded St. John Lacy Chamber Music Concerts, 1903; appointed Lecturer in Music Queen's College, Cork, 1906; University College, 1908; Examiner for Degrees in Music, N.U.I., 1909; Professor of Music, 1910; Vice-President Cork Orchestral Union, 1905-1909; Chairman Munster Association of Professional Musicians, 1909: President Cork Literary and Scientific Society, 1915-17; b 27th March, 1862, at Blackrock, Co. Cork; son of John F. Lacy (Royal Engineers), M.E., J.P. Pubns.:Music—