Page:Thom's Irish who's who.djvu/164

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LOWE, William Henry, M.B., Ch.B. L.M. (Rotunda). Educ.: Campbell College, Belfast; Edinburgh and Dublin Universities: Assistant to Dr. W. E. Thomas, Ystrad Rhondda, S. Wales, 1910. In general practice, Dublin, since 1910; Resident Dr Steevens' Hospital, 1908-09: Anæsthetist Dr. Steevens' Hospital, 1916-20; Anæsthetist Dental Hospital since 1917; Civil Surgeon Portobello Barracks, 1914-15; Medical Officer Dublin Metropolitan Police since 1918: Medical Referee Standard Life Assurance Co., 1921: b. 3rd July, 1886; son of Rev. W. J Lowe, M.A., D.D., Moderator of Gen. Assembly, 1921-22. Recns.: Rugby football (played for Wanderers F.C., 1908 to 1920; Captain 1st XV., 1913-11, and 1919-20: represented Leinster, 1910, and Ulster, 1913): fives (represented Edinburgh University); golf, motoring and tennis (won School Championship, Campbell College, 1904). Clubs.: Wanderers F.C.; Royal Dublin Golf Club, and Presbyterian Association. Res.: 118 St. Stephen's Green, West, Dublin.

LOWRY, Capt. Edward Leslie Barnwell, D.L., J.P., Co. Tyrone (Vice-Lieut., 1906-13, High Sheriff, 1905); late Capt. 41st, 31st and 81st Regts; son of late James Corry Lowry, of Rockdale, Co. Tyrone; b. 1837; m., 1st, 1865, Eliza Anne (d. 1869), only child of late Tom John Taylor, of Earsdon, Northumberland; 2nd, 1872, Edith Clara (d. 1904), only child of late Samuel Saunders, of Alexandria. Res.: Rockdale, Tullyhogue, Co. Tyrone.

LOWRY, Lieut.-Col. Robert Thomas Graves, D.L., J.P., Co. Tyrone (High Sheriff, 1896); late Major 1st Dragoon Gds.; Lieut.-Col. Res. of Officers; served in Zulu War, 1879; S. African War, 1899-1901; only son of late R. W. Lowry, D.L., J.P., of Pomeroy House, Co. Tyrone, and dau. and co-heir of late B. Geale-Brady, of Mount Geale, Co. Kilkenny; b. 1857. Res.: Pomeroy House, Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone.

LOWRY-CORRY, Hon. Cecil, J.P., Co. Fermanagh and Co. Tyrone (High Sheriff, 1916). Educ: Wellington College. Studied Farming and Land Agency Work in Kent and Dorsetshire for six years; Grand Juror Cos. Fermanagh and Tyrone; Visiting Justice to Sligo Prison; Member of Enniskillen Board of Guardians and Rural District Council, of Fermanagh Agricultural Committee, of the General Synod of Church of Ireland, of Clogher, of Armagh, and of Deny and Raphoe Diocesan Synods and Councils, of the Incorporated Society for the Promotion of Protestant Schools in Ireland, and of the Executive Committee of the Fermanagh Protestant Orphan Society; Hon. Secretary of the Fermanagh Club; a Lay Diocesan Secretary for Clogher Diocese; a Member of Ulster Unionist Council; a Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland; Grand Treasurer of the Grand Black Chapter of Ireland. Recns.: cycling and riding; second son of 4th Earl of Belmore, and heir-presumptive to present Earl; b. 20th March, 1873. Res.: Castlecoole, Enniskillen. Clubs: Fermanagh, Enniskillen: Tyrone County, Omagh; Northern Counties, Londonderry; Sackville Street, Dublin.

LOWRY-CORRY, Col. the Hon. Henry William, M.A. (Cantab.), D.L., J.P. for Suffolk; Chairman Quarter Sessions W. Suffolk from 1902: M.P. for Co. Tyrone, 1873-80; late Lieut.-Col. 2nd Batt. Coldstream Guards; Commd. the Regt. 1898-1900; Vice-Chairman Suffolk T. F. Association from 1908; youngest son of 3rd Earl of Belmore; b. 1845: m. 1876, Hon. Blanche Edith, dau. of 1st Viscount Halifax. Res.: Edwardstone Hall, B oxford, Suffolk.

LOWRY-CORRY, Lady Theresa; b. 1862; Lady Mary, b. 1867: Lady Winifred, b. 1876; Lady Violet, b. 1881; Lady Margaret, b. 1883: Lady Dorothy, b. 1885; daus. of 4th Earl of Belmore. Res.: Castlecoole, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh.

LUCAN, Earl of, 1795, Baron Lucan, 1776 (Irld.), and a Bart. (Nova Scotia, 1682). George Charles Bingham, 5th Earl; K.B.E. (1920), C.B. (1919), T.D. Elected a Representative Peer for Ireland. 1914; J.P., D.L., Co. Mayo; J.P., Middlesex; Capt. late Rifle Brigade; Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) Comdg. 1st London Inf. Brigade (T.F.), 1912-16: Hon. Brig.-Gen. 1916; late Comdg. 5th Batt. City of London Regt.: served in Bechuanaland Expedition, 1884-5; served in European War, 1914-16; has Order of St. Stanislaus of Russia, 2nd class; Order of the Nile, 3rd class; was M.P. for Chertsey, 1904-06; eldest son of George, 4th Earl, K.P. (Lieut, and Custos Rotulorum Co. Mayo), and Lady Cecilia (d. 1910), dau. of 5th Duke of Richmond, K.G.; b. 13th Dec, 1860; s. his father, 5th June, 1914; m. 30th Nov., 1896. Violet, O.B.E., dau. of late Joseph Spender Clay, of Ford Manor, Surrey, and has issue two sons and two daus. Res.: Castlebar House, Co. Mayo: 10 Gloucester Place, London, W.; Laleham House, Staines. Clubs: Carlton, Turf, London.

LUCAS, The Hon. Sir Edward, Knt. (1921); is a J.P. for South Australia; ex-Mayor of Gawler; member of Legislative Council, 1900-18; of War Council of S. Australia, 1915-18; Leader and Chairman of Liberal Party, 1914-18: Agent-General in London for State of South Australia from 1918; fifth son of Adams Lucas, of Galonetra. Co. Cavan, Ireland; b. 1857; m. 1890, Mabel Florence, dau. of J. Brock, of Barossa, S. Australia. Res.: 17 Fairhazel Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W.6; 112 Strand, W.C.2.