Page:Thom's Irish who's who.djvu/191

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Barrister King's Inns. 1887: Q.C., 1899; Bencher, 1911: Barrister Mid. Temple, 1900; Crown Counsel, Co. Carlow 1906, and Dublin Co. and City, 1907; Second Serjeant-at-Law, 1911; Solicitor-General for Ireland, 1912-13; Attorney-General for Ireland, 1913; Justice King's Bench Division, High Court of Justice, Ireland, 1913-15; Lord Justice of Appeal in Ireland, 1915-18: Lord Chief Justice of Ireland from 1918; a Commissioner of Education since 1907; Member of the Board of Intermediate Education in Ireland since 1914; Chairman Viceregal Committee on Intermediate Education, 1918; President City of Dublin Corps St. John's Ambulance Brigade, 1919; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1920; President of the Statistical Society of Ireland, 1920; is a J.P. Co. Dublin; son of James Molony, Dublin; b. 1865; m. 1899, Pauline, dau. of Bernard Rispin, Dublin. Res.: 35 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. Clubs: National Liberal; University and St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.

MOLONY, Capt. William Beresford, late Capt. 1st Bat. King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt.; temp. Major and Act.-Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 9th Batt., 1914-17; Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 4th Batt. Middlesex Regt. from 1918; only surviving son of late Major W. M. Molony, D.L., J.P., late 22nd Begt., of Kiltanon, Co. Clare; b. 1875; m. 1905, Lena Mara (May), only dau. of Geo. Wright, of Heysham Lodge, Lancashire. Res.: Kiltanon, Tulla, Co. Clare.

MONCK, Viscount, 1800; Baron Monck, 1797 (Irld.); Baron Monck (Unit. Kgd., 1866, Henry Power Charles Stanley Monck, 5th Viscount; B.A., Christ Church, Oxford; late Capt., Coldstream Guards: Vice-Lieutenant Co. Wicklow, 1914; D.L., J.P. Co. Wicklow (High Sheriff, 1887); a J.P. for Co. Dublin; served in Egyptian; Campaign, 1882, and in Suakin Expedition, 1885 (medal with two clasps, bronze star): son of Charles, 4th Viscount, P.C, G.C.M.G., and Lady Elizabeth (d. 1892), dau. of 1st Earl of Rathdown (title extinct): b. 8th Jan., 1849; s. his father 29th Nov., 1894: m. 23rd July, 1874, Lady Edith Scott, youngest dau. of 3rd Earl of Clonmell, and has issue surviving, one dau. Res.: Charleville, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Clubs: Carlton, London, S.W.; Kildare Street, Dublin.

MONEYPENNY, Sir Frederick Wm., Knt. (1819), C.V.O. (1921), C.B.E. (1920), M.V.O., 4th Class (1905), O.B.E. (1918); Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1921); J.P. City of Belfast; is City Chamberlain of Belfast, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Parliament of Northern Ireland from 22nd June, 1921 (when Parliament was opened by H.M. the King) till Feb., 1922; Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor; second son of late Joseph Moneypenny, of Belfast; b. 1859. Res.: Wyncote, Strandtown, Belfast.

MONROE, James Harvey, Educ.: Armagh Royal School; Dublin University Scholar, T.C.D. (1904); B.A. (1905), LL.B. (1908); Gold Medalist, Legal and Political Science: Auditor, College Historical Society, 1908; called to Irish Bar, 1909; Junior Crown Prosecutor, Co. Monaghan, 1919; K.C., 1920; Judge Native Court, Egypt; Lieut., R.N.V.R.; b. 7th April, 1884; only son of Samuel Holmes Monroe, of Armagh; m. Margaret Adelaide, only dau. of Andrew McClelland, of Banbridge. Res.: Judge's House, Assiort, Upper Egypt. Clubs: University, Dublin; Turf, Cairo.

MONTAGU, Robert Acheson Cromie, D L., J.P., Co. Londonderry; J.P. Co. Antrim; Lieut.-Commander R N. (ret.); only surviving son of late Lord Robert Montagu, P.C., M.P., D.L, J.P., and his 1st wile, Ellen Mary (d. 1857), only child and heiress of John Cromie, of Cromore, Co. Londonderry; b. 1854; m., 1st, 1880, Annie (d. 1916) dau. of Gilbert McMicking, of Miltonise, Wigtownshire; 2nd, 1917, Edith, dau. of late Col. Eldred Pottinger, R.A., C.M.G., of Portrush, Co. Antrim. Res.: Cromore, Portstewart, Co Londonderry.

MONTEAGLE, Baron (Unit. Kgd., 1839), Thomas Spring-Rice, 2nd Baron, K.P., 1885; B.A. (Cantab.); D.L., Co. Limerick; elder son of the Hon. Stephen Edmond Spring-Rice, and Ellen Mary (d. 1889), dau. of the late William Frere, Serjeant-at-Law; b. 31st May, 1894; s. his grandfather 7th Feb., 1866; m. 26th Oct., 1875, Elizabeth (d. 1908), eldest dau. of the late Most Rev. Dr. Butcher, Bishop of Meath, and has issue one son and one dau. Res.: Mount Trenchard, Foynes, Co. Limerick. Athenæum Club, London, S.W.; Kildare Street Club. Dublin.

MONTGOMERY, Col. James Alexander Laurence, C.S.I. (1903); Knight of Grace, Order of St. John (1917); C.B.E. (1918); Commander Order of Christ (Portugal); F.R.G.S., D.L., J.P., Co. Donegal (High Sheriff, 1915); Col. Indian Army (ret.). Educ.: Harrow School; joined 92nd Gordon Highlanders, 1867; Indian Army, 1869; entered Punjab Commission, 1870; Lieut.-Col., 1893; retired from Indian Army, 1905; Commissioner of Lands, British East Africa, 1906-10; Red Cross Commissioner, East Africa, 1916-19 (despatches); son of late Robert Montgomery, G.C.S.I., K.C.B.; b. 1849; m., 1st, 1876, Jessie Alice, dau. of Sir T. Douglas Forsyth, K.C.S.I.; 2nd,