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O'CONNOR, Lieut.-Col. Patrick Fenelon, C.B. (1902), M.D. (R.U.I.), Knight of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem: Lieut.-Col. I. M.S. (ret.); served in Afghan War, 1878-80; Egyptian War, 1882; Burma Expedition, 1886-7; Chitral Relief Force, 1895; Malakand Field Force, 1897-8; P.M.O. China Field Force, 1901-2; son of late Patrick O'Connor, of Killiskillen, Co. Meath; b. 1850. Junior United Service Club.

O'CONNOR, Thomas Power (M.P. Scotland Division of Liverpool from 1885), M.A. (Q.U.I.); late Editor of the Sun, Weekly Sun, M.A. P., and T.P.'s Weekly; President of Trade Board of Film Censors, 1916. Educ.: College of Immaculate Conception, Athlone; Queen's College, Galway; a junior reporter on Saunders' Newsletter, a Dublin Conservative journal, 1867; was appointed a sub-editor on "Daily Telegraph," London, 1870; afterwards was employed in London office, "New York Herald"; elected M.P. for Galway, 1880; returned for Galway and Liverpool, 1885; chose latter, for which again returned in 1886, 1892, 1895, 1900. Pubns.: Lord Beaconsfield, a Biography; The Parnell Movement; Gladstone's House of Commons; Some Old Love Stories; Napoleon; The Phantom Millons; and a large number of articles and essays. Recns.: cycling, golf; eldest son of late Thomas O'Connor, of Athlone; b. 1848; m. 1885, Mrs. Wright. Res.: 5 Morpeth Mansions, London, S.W.1. Clubs: Garrick, Beefsteak, National Liberal, Bath.

O'CONOR, Charles Hugh. Educ. at Downside; an Inspector under L.G.B., Ireld., 1908-20; Commissioner from 1920: Chairman Agricultural Wages Board Ireland, 1917-20; son of late Rt. Hon. Charles Owen O'Conor, P.C. (The O'Conor Don), of Clonalis, Co. Roscommon, and Georgina dau. of Thomas Aloysius Perry, of Bitham House, Warwickshire; b. 1872. Res.: The Elms, 46 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

O'CONOR, Edmond, D.L., J.P. Co. Louth (High Sheriff, 1894); late Capt. 6th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles; served in European War, 1914-16; only son of late Major Richard Ross O'Conor, 17th Regt.; b. 1868; m. 1891, Maud, eldest dau. of D. J. O'Connell, of Grenagh, Co. Kerry. Res.: Charleville, Dunleer, Co. Louth.

O'CONOR, Lady Minna Margaret, dau. of James R. Hope-Scott, Q.C., of Abbotsford, and his second wife. Lady Victoria Howard, dau. of 14th Duke of Norfolk; m. 1887, Rt. Hon. Sir Nicholas R. O'Conor, British Ambassador at Constantinople, who d. 1908. Res.: Dundermott, Ballymoe, Co. Roscommon.

O'CONOR DON, The, Owen Phelim O'Conor, D.L., J.P. Co. Roscommon (High Sheriff, 1918); eldest surviving son of late Rt. Hon. Charles Owen O'Conor (The O'Conor Don), P.C, M.P.; b. 1870; m. 1st, 1913, Mary Catherine (d. 1916), dau. of Chas. Eras. McLaughlin, of Detroit, U.S.A.; 2nd, 1919, Gertrude Gwendoline, only surviving dau. of late Charles M. O'Conor, of Mount Druid, Castlerea. Res.: Clonalis, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. Kildare Street Club, Dublin; Stephen's Green Club, Dublin.

O'DOHERTY, Eileen (Anna Walker), Educ. in Dublin; studied for the stage under W. G. and F. J. Fay; made first appearance on the stage with the Irish National Theatre Society, at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 1905 as the child in "The Hour Glass"; made first appearance on the London stage, at the Court Theatre, 7th June, 1909, as Mamie in "Dervorgilla"; during her career she has played the following parts either at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, or at the Court Theatre, London; Babsy in "The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet," the old woman in "Deirdre," Bridget Twomey in "Harvest," Mary Kate in "The Eloquent Dempsey,"; Mrs. Desmond in "The Cross Roads," Mrs. Pender in "The Casting Out of Martin Whelan," Maura Morrissey in "Birthright," Margaret in "The Piedish" Nerine in "The Rogueries of Spain," Miss Joyce in "Haycinth Halvey," Mary Brien in "The Clancy Name," Mary Mulroy in "The Mineral Workers," Maria Donnelly in "Family Failing," Mrs. O'Connor in "Maurice Harte," Mrs. Keegan in "The Supplanter," Mrs. Hickey in "Sovereign Love," Mrs. Sullivan in "Patriots," Kate Moran in "Crusaders," Mrs. Geoghan in "The White Headed Boy"; has toured with the Company in England, Scotland and the United States. Recn.: boating: dau. of Matthew Walker and Eileen O'Doherty; h. in Dublin, 1891. Res.: 101 Lower Mount Street, Dublin.

O'DOHERTY, James Edward, D.L. for Co. Donegal; Solicitor, 1871; ex-Coroner for N. Donegal; M.P. for N. Donegal, 1885-90; Alderman of Londonderry City; son of late B. P. O'Doherty, of Buncrana; b. 1848. Res.: Millburn House, Buncrana, Co. Donegal; 6 East Wall, Londonderry.

O'DOHERTY, Joseph M.P. North Donegal since Dec, 1918 Address: 23 Creggan Street, Londonderry.

O'DOHERTY, Philip. Educ.: St. Columba's College, Londonderry. Admitted a Solicitor, 1895; was M.P. for North Donegal, 1906-18; b. 1871. Address: 11 East Wall, Londonderry.