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of 6th Baron Massy, and has issue three daus. Res.: Coolbawn, near Castle Connell, Co. Limerick. Chib: Junior United Service, London.

VANSTON, Sir George Thomas Barrett, Knt. (1917): K.C., 1908; LL.D., M.A. (stip. con.) (T.C.D.): Legal Adviser to the Local Government Board for Ireland since 1900. Educ.: Kingstown School; Trinity College. Dublin (Classical Scholar; First Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist in History of Law, and Political Economy; Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist in Classics; Vice-Chancellor's Latin Gold Medallist: Gold Medallist in History, College Historical Society); called to Irish Bar, 1878. Pubns.: The Grand Jury Laws of Ireland, 1883: The Law of Public Health in Ireland, 1892; Supplement, 1897, 2nd ed., 1913; The Law relating to Local Government in Ireland, 2 vols., 1899, 1905, 2nd ed. vol. i., 1916; Supplement to vol. ii., 1919: The Law relating to Municipal Towns in Ireland 1900; The Law relating to Municipal Boroughs in Ireland, 1905. Recns.: travel cycling, gardening; second son of John Davis Vanston, Solicitor, of Hildon Park, Terenure, Co. Dublin, and Hacketstown, Co. Carlow, and Catherine, dau. of George Washington Briggs, of Bellevue, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary; m. 1899. Clementina Mary, eldest surviving dau. of late Marcus Clement Sullivan, of 26 Highfield Road, Rathgar, Co. Dublin, and has issue two sons and two daus. Res.: Hildon Park, Terenure, Co. Dublin.

VAUGHAN, Daniel (M.P. for North, Mid. West. South, and South-East Div. of Co. Cork from 1922).

VENTRY, Baron (Irld., 1800), and a Bart. (1797)—Frederick Rossmore Wauchope Everleigh-de-Moleyns, 5th Baron: D.S.O.: Major and Batt.-Lieut.-Col. late 4th Hussars: J.P., D.L. Co. Kerry; eldest son of Dayrolles Blakeney, 4th Baron, and Harriet Elizabeth Frances (d. 1906), dau. of Andrew Wauchope, D.L., of Niddrie Marischal: b. 11th December, 1861; s. his father 8th February, 1914. Res.: Burnham House, Dingle, Co. Kerry.

VERNON, John Fane, M.A. (Cantab.), D.L., J.P. Co. Cavan: J.P. Co. Dublin: Barrister King's Inns, 1874; eldest son of late John Edwd. Vernon, J.P., D.L., of Erne Hill, Co. Cavan, Land Commissioner, Ireland, 1881-7; b. 1849; m. 1882. Thomasina, second dau. of Rev. H. J. Tombe, Canon of Christ Church, Dublin. Res.: 1 Wilton Place, Dublin: Erne Hill, Belturbet, Co. Cavan; Athenæum Club.

VERSCHOYLE, Capt. Frederick Thomas, J.P. Co. Limerick; second surviving son of late Bishop Verschoyle, of Kilmore; b. 1854; m. 1891, Hilda Caroline Hildyard, youngest dau, of late R. Blair, of Blackdales, Ayrshire. Res.: Castle Troy. Limerick: Athea House, Athea, Co. Limerick: Kildare Street Club, Dublin; Junior United Service Club, London.

VERSCHOYLE, Capt. Robert Henry, D.L., J.P. Herefordshire, late Capt. 11th Hussars; second son of Rev. Joseph Verschoyle, Rector of Kilmoremoy, Co. Mayo: m. 1872, Gertrude, only dau. of Capt. Edgar Walker, of Quarry, Northam, N. Devon. Res.: Springfield, near Ross, Co. Hereford.

VERSCHOYLE, Stuart, D L., J.P. Co. Fermanagh (High Sheriff, 1916); third son of Rev. Prebendary Richard Verschoyle; b. 24th June, 1860: engaged in commerce in Calcutta, 1881-1900, and in London, 1901-1920; retired from business latter year, and now engaged in farming and county interests. Recns.: riding, driving, motoring, and various country pursuits. Res.: Tullycleagh, Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh. Clubs: The Oriental, Hanover Square, London; Kildare Street, Dublin and Royal Calcutta Turf Club, Calcutta.

VERSCHOYLE-CAMPBELL, Lieut.-Col. John Verschoyle, M.C., late Royal Artillery. Educ. at Marlborough and T.C.D.; J.P. for Co. Dublin. Recns.: fishing, motoring: eldest son of the Dean of Clonmacnoise; b. 27th Nov., 1881. Res.: Tassaggart, Saggart, Co. Dublin. University Club, Dublin.

VESEY, Hon. Georgina Mary; b. 1842; dau. of 3rd Viscount de Vesci. Res.: 28 Bruton Street, London, W.1.

VESEY, Hon. Osbert Eustace, C.B.E., Mil. (1919), O.B.E., Mil. (1918). Educ. at Eton and R.M.C.: late Lieut. 9th Lancers; Lieut.-Col. Res. of Officers: Private Sec. to Under Sec. of State for Air, 1919-21; served in European War, 1914-19; second son of late Capt. the Hon. Eustace Vesey (d. 1886); (second son of 3rd Viscount de Vesci), and Hon. Constance Mary, dau. of 2nd Baron Wenlock: b. 1884; m. 1910, Dorothy, dau. of William Morison Strachan, of Strood Park, Horsham, and has issue two daus. Res.: 7 Westbourne Terrace, London, W.2.

VESEY, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Thomas Eustace. Educ. at Eton and Oxford Universities; Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 1st Batt. Irish Guards: served in European War, 1914-15; third son of late Capt. the Hon. Eustace Vesey (d. 1886) (second son of 3rd Viscount de Vesci), and Hon. Constance Mary, dau. of 2nd Baron Wenlock; b. 1885; m. 1911, Lady Cecily Kathleen,