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Library of Ireland; for the Lecture Theatre, Royal Dublin Society, and afterwards for the Miltown Galleries, National Gallery of Ireland; Church of Ireland Training College, Dublin, and many other public and private buildings in Ireland, and at Oxford, the Anthropological Museum and Physiological Laboratory; also joint Architect with Sir Aston Webb, P.R.A., for the Royal College of Science and New Public Offices, Merrion Street, Dublin. Knighted by King George V. on the occasion of the opening the R. Coll. Science, 8th July, 1911, thus being the third Knight in succession in his family; m. 17th March, 1888, Florence Mary, only dau. of the late Jas. F. Wright, Esq., M.A., of 58 Lansdowne Road, Dublin, and Mary Anne Bunting, his wife, dau. of Edward Bunting, the celebrated musician and collector of ancient Irish music. Issue: Thos Alexander David, b. 25th Feb., 1893, killed in Action, Gaba Tepe, Gallipoli, 3rd May, 1915; Mary Primrose, m. 10th Dec, 1919, Capt. Andrew Fenwick Thorp, 8th. Lan. Regt., of Denehead House, Ryton, Co Durham.

DEANE-DRAKE, Joseph Edward, D.L., J.P., Co. Wexford; eldest son of late J. Deane-Drake, of Stokestown House, Co. Wexford; b. 1845; m. 1882, Dora Venables (d. 1904), only dau. of Rd. Venables Kyrke, J.P., of Nant-y-ffrith, Denbighshire. Res.: Stokestown House, New Ross, Co. Wexford.

DEASE, Major Edmund James Charles, D.L., J.P., Queen's Co.; a Resident Magistrate; late Major, 4th Batt R. Irish Fus.; son of late Edmund Gerald Dease, of Rath House, Queen's Co., M.P., D.L., J.P. and Mary (d. 1918), 3rd dau. of late Hy. Grattan, M.P.: b. 1861; m. 1898, Mabel, eldest dau. of late Ambrose Richard More O'Ferrall, of Balyna, Co. Kildare. Res.: Rath House, Ballybrittas, Queen's Co.

DEASE, Major Gerald, late R. Fus.; Commissioner of National Education in Ireland. Educ.: Oscott; entered the Army, 1874; sometime A.D.C. to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; Major, 1891; retired 1894; was J.P. and D.L. (resigned 1920), for Cos. Westmeath and Cavan, and High Sheriff of Co. Cavan for 1899 and of Co. Westmeath for 1909; b. 1854; son of James Arthur Dease, D.L., of Turbotston, Coole, and Charlotte, dau. of Edmund William Jerningham; m. 1896, Florence, dau. of George Marley, of Gaunless House, Co. Durham (no children). Recns.: polo, hunting, painting, etc. Res.: Turbotston. Coole, Co. Westmeath. Clubs: Kildare Street, Dublin: Sackville Street, Dublin; Naval and Military, London.

DE BURGH, Commander Hubert, D.S.O. (1917), Legion of Honour (1917); R.N. Educ.: St. Mark's, Windsor; H.M.S. Britannia, Dartmouth. Joined H.M.S. Ramillies, Flagship, Mediterranean, 1895; Sub. Lieut, 1898; Lieut., 1901; served in following ships: H.M.S. Renown, 1901-3; H.M.S. Britannia, 1903-5; H.M.S. Renown, 1905-6: H.M.S. Stag, 1906-8; H.M.S. Queen, 1908-10; H.M.S. Niobe, 1910-12; H.M.S. Southampton, 1912-13; H.M.S. Queen Mary, 191.3-15; H.M.S. Melpomene, 1915-17; H.M.S. Satyr, 1917-19; H.M.S. Speedy, 1919-20; H.M.S. Surprise, 1920; Commander, 1916. Recns.: hunting, racing, polo, golf, racquets, tennis, shooting, ski-ing, skating; eldest son of Col. T. J. de Burgh, of Oldtown, Naas, Co. Kildare, and Emily, dau. of Baron de Robeck; m. 1917, Margory, dau. of Mrs. Buchan, of Whitehall, Kingsbridge, S. Devon. Res.: Oldtown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Club: Naval and Military, London.

de BURGH, Lieut.-Col. Thomas John, D.L., J.P., Co. Kildare (High Sheriff, 1884); late 57th Regt., 5th Dragoon Guards; served with 17th Batt. Imp. Yeo., in S. African War, 1900-1901; European War, 1914-17; eldest son of late Thos de Burgh, of Oldtown, Co. Kildare; b. 1851; m. 1878, Emily (d. 1913), eldest dau. of John Hy. Edwd. Baron de Roebeck, of Gowran Grange, Co. Kildare. Res.: Oldtown, Naas, Co. Kildare. Kildare Street Club. Dublin: Carlton Club, London.

DE BURGH, John Digby Townshend Hussey, J.P., Co. Limerick; only son of the late Walter John Hussey de Burgh, and grandson of John Hamilton Hussey de Burgh, J.P., of Drorakeen; b. 1870: m. 1897, Elizabeth M. M., dau. of late Rev. Fras. Cooper, Rector of Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Res.: Dromkeen, Pallas Green, Co. Limerick.

DECIES, Baron (Irld., 1812), John Graham Hope Delapoer Beresford, 5th Baron, D.S.O.; P.C. (1918). Educ.: Eton; elected a Representative Peer for Ireland, 1912; 7th Hussars, 1886: ret. as Major, 1910; A.D.C. Governor of Madras (Lord Connemara), 1891-2: served in Matabeleland, 1896 (mentioned in despatches); A.D.C. to H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught, 1899-1901; Commanded 37th Batt. Imp. Yeo. (with rank of Lieut. Col.), S. Africa, 1902; Somaliland Field Force, 1903-04 (in command of Tribal Horse, Lt.-Col.) (mentioned in despatches and D.S.O.); Lieut.-Col. Commdg. S. Irish Horse, 1912; A. A., and Q.M.G., 1915-16; Press Censor, Ireland, 1916-19: second son of William, 3rd Baron, and Catherine Anne, dau. of late Wm. Dent; b. 5th Dec, 1866; s. his brother, 30th July, 1910; m. 8th Feb., 1911, Vivien Gould, dau. of George Jay Gould, New York; has issue one son, two daus. Res.: Leixlip Castle. Leixlip, Co Kildare. Clubs: Cavalry, Marlborough, S W.: Royal Yacht Squadron; Kildare Street, Dublin.