Page:Thomas Patrick Hughes - Notes on Muhammadanism - 2ed. (1877).djvu/15

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religious opinions of immortal beings, unless he feels that he has something good and true to offer in the place of opinions renounced. If we call upon the millions of Islám to loose from their moorings amidst the reefs and shoals cf a false system, and to steer forth into the wide ocean of religious inquiry, we must surely direct them to some fair haven of refuge where they will find rest and peace. It has been well said by Dr. Martensen[1] that "a mind starved by doubt has never been able to produce a dogmatic system"; and we are quite sure that all who have had practical experience of Muhammadanism, will agree that none could "be so helpless in dealing with Muslim doctors, as those who are wandering about in the uncertainty of doubt, and cannot stand firm in the certainty of faith.

On the other hand, Muhammadanism may be used as a schoolmaster to bring men to

  1. "Christian Dogmatics," by Dr. H. Martensen, Bishop of Zeeland, Denmark.