Page:Thomas Patrick Hughes - Notes on Muhammadanism - 2ed. (1877).djvu/160

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The Muhammadan doctors divide sins into two classes, very much as the Roman Catholic divines do; the usual Roman designation being that of mortal and venial sin, whilst Muhammadans use the expressions Kabíra and Saghíra, "Great" and "Little." Kabíra are those great sins, of which, if a Musalman do not repent, he will go to the purgatorial hell reserved for sinful Muslims. The divines of Islám are not agreed amongst themselves as to the exact number of Kabíra sins, but they are generally considered to be seventeen (vide Fawáid-us-Shariʾat).

1. Kufr, or infidelity.

2. Constantly committing Saghíra, or little sins.

3. Despairing of the mercy of God.

4. Considering one's self safe from the wrath of God.