Page:Thomas Patrick Hughes - Notes on Muhammadanism - 2ed. (1877).djvu/164

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No animal is lawful food unless it be slaughtered according to the Muhammadan law, namely, by drawing the knife across the throat and cutting the windpipe, the carotid arteries, and the gullet, repeating at the same time the words "Bismillah Allaho Akbar," i. e. "In the name of the great God." A clean animal, so slaughtered, becomes lawful food for Muslims, whether slaughtered by Jews, Christians, or Muhammadans.

In the "Sharah Wagqaia" it is said that the following creatures are lawful (halál):—

1. Those animals that are cloven-footed and chew the cud, and are not beasts of prey.

2. Birds that do not seize their prey with their claws, or wound them with their bills, but pick up food with their bills.

3. Fish; but no other animals which move in the water.