Page:Thompson Motif-Index 2nd 1.djvu/35

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A0000—A99.00 Creator
A1000—A499.0 Gods
A1000—A199.0 The gods in general
A2000—A299. Gods of the upper world
A3000—A399. Gods of the underworld
A4000—A499. Gods of the earth
A5000—A599.0 Demigods and culture heroes.
A6000—A899.0 Cosmogony and cosmology
A6000—A699. The universe
A7000—A799. The heavens
A8000—A899. The earth
A9000—A999.0 Topographical features of the earth
A1000—A1099. World calamities
A1100—A1199. Establishment of natural order
A1200—A1699. Creation and ordering of human life
A1200—A1299. Creation of man
A1300—A1399. Ordering of human life
A1400—A1499. Acquisition of culture
A1500—A1599. Origin of customs
A1600—A1699. Distribution and differentiation of peoples
A1700—A2199. Creation of animal life
A1700—A1799. Creation of animal life — general
A1800—A1899. Creation of mammals
A1900—A1999. Creation of birds
A2000—A2099. Creation of insects
A2100—A2199. Creation of fish and other animals.
A2200—A2599. Animal characteristics
A2200—A2299. Various causes of animal characteristics
A2300—A2399. Causes af animal characteristics: body
A2400—A2499. Causes of animal characteristics: appearance and habits
A2500—A2599. Animal characteristics — miscellaneous
A2600—A2699. Origin of trees and plants
A2700—A2799. Origin of plant characteristics
A2800—A2899. Miscellaneous explanations