Page:Thoreau - His Home, Friends and Books (1902).djvu/378

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"Saunterer's Apple," 156.
Say, Jean, 72.
Scandinavian myths, 33, 130.
Schelling, Friedrich, 108.
Schiller, Friedrich, 169.
Scientists, Modern, 283, 284.
Scotch ancestry, 38, 55, 185.
Scott, Walter, 5.
Scribner's Magazine, 230.
Self-Reliance, Essay on, 195.
Seton-Thompson, Ernest, 284.
"Sesame and Lilies," quoted, 204.
"Sic Vita," 179, 235, 313.
Shaw, Robert, 168.
Simms, the slave, 166.
"Simplifier of civilization," 193, 203, 204, 205.
Simeon Stylites, 32.
Slavery, 14, 164.
Sleepy Hollow, 48.
Smith, Adam, 72.
"Smoke, "316.
Snakes, Incident of, 271, 272.
"Social Circle," 18.
Southey, Robert, 108.
Sparks. Jared, 70.
Spectator, The, 39.
Spencer, Mass., 84.
Spenser, Edmund, 70.
Spring, Marcus, 149.
Staples, Samuel, 161.
State tax, 160.
Staten Island, 95, 110, 144, 232, 243, 244, 280.
Stedman, Edmund C., 97, 209, 316.
Stevenson, Robert L., 196, 210.
Stowe, Harriet B., 198.
"Summer," 255, 306.
Sumner, Charles, 164.
Sunnyside, 5.
Swift, Lindsay, 72, 110, 241.
"Sympathy," poem, 86.

Tacitus, 169.
Tahattawan, 13.
Taunton, Mass., 45.
Tax-episode, 160, 163, 228.
Tennyson, Alfred, 70, 169, 273, 312, 328.
Teüfelsdröckh, 326.
Texas House, 98, 99, 156.
"The Angel in the House," 328.
"The Blue Heron," 286.
"The Convert," 73.
"The Departure, "234.
"The Fisher's Boy," 97.
"The Raven," 212.
"The Respectable Folks," 289, 290.
"The Soul's Errand," 169.
"The Sun-Bath," 266.
"The Wanderer," 133, 137, 174, 240.
"The Yankee in Canada," 307, 322, 323.
Thompson, Maurice, 286.
Thor, Thorer, 33, 130.
Thoreau, Helen. 45–49, 156, 225, 234, 265, 301.
Thoreau, Henry D., birth and early life, 3, 4, 55–61; college life, 65-76; romance, 85–90; years of mature life and influence, 143–170; as author, 146, 147, 192, 312–317, 321–329, 331, 332; as naturalist, 10, 26, 147, 261–287; as philosopher and reformer, 160–166, 171, 192, 198, 214, 287–289; as teacher and lecturer, 78, 148, 157–159, 254; at Walden, 103–120, 136, 143, 188, 193, 195, 264, 310, 312. 318, 334; years of illness, 171, 175, 178, 179, 220.
Thoreau, John I, 33, 34.
Thoreau, John II (father of Henry), 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 156, 252.
Thoreau, John III (brother of Henry), 45. 48, 52, 82, 87, 94, 236, 239, 261, 272.
Thoreau, Maria, 35, 38, 161.
Thoreau. Mrs. John (mother of Henry). 21, 22, 40–44, 82, 177.
Thoreau, Peter, 34.