Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/228

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words of Christ upon the cross, seaven words of the blessed Virgin Mary, seaven loaves distributed by the Lord, seaven baskets of fragments, seaven brothers having one wife, seaven disciples of the Lord that were fishers, seaven water pots in Cana of Galile, seaven woes which the Lord threatens to the Hypocrites, seaven divels cast out of the unclean woman, and seaven wickeder divells taken in after that which was cast out. Also seaven years Christ was fled into Egypt; and the seaventh hour the Fevour left the Governors son. And in the Canonicall Epistles, James describes seaven degrees of wisdom, and Peter seaven degrees of Vertues. And in the Acts are reckoned seaven Deacons, and seaven disciples chosen by the Apostles. Also in the Revelations there are many mysteries of this number: for there we read of seaven Candlesticks, seaven Stars, seaven Crowns, seaven Churches, seaven Spirits before the Throne, seaven Rivers of Egypt, seaven Seales, seaven Markes, seaven Horns, seaven Eyes, seaven Spirits of God, seaven Angels with seaven Trumpets, seaven horns of the Dragon, seaven heads of the Dragon, who had seaven Diadems: also seaven plagues, and seaven Vials, which were given to one of the seaven Angells, seaven heads of the scarlet Beast, seaven Mountains, and seaven Kings sitting upon them, and seaven thunders uttered their voyces. Moreover this number hath much power, as in natural, so in sacred, Ceremoniall, and also in other things: therefore the seaven days are related hither, also the seaven Planets, the seaven, Stars called Pleiades, the seaven Ages of the World, the seaven changes of man, the seaven liberall Arts, and so many mechanick, and so many forbidden, seaven Colours, seaven Metalls, seaven holes in the head of a man, seaven pair of nerves, seaven Mountains in the City of Rome, seaven Romane Kings, seaven Civill Wars, seaven wise men in the time of Jeremiah the Prophet, and seaven wise men of Greece. Also Rome did burn seaven days by Nero. By seaven Kings were slain ten thousand Martyrs. There were seaven sleepers, seaven principall Churches of Rome, and so many Monasteries did Gregory build: So many sons Saint Felicity brought forth: there