Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/248

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signed, for the motion thereof is distant from the course of other Stars, & as it were alone is compleated the twenty eighth day, when it returns to the same point of the Zodiake from whence it came. Hence twenty eight Mansions of the Moon, having singular vertue, and influence, are numbered in the heavens. The number thirty is memorable for many mysteries, Our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized the thirtieth yeer of his Age, and began to do miracles, and to teach the Kingdom of God. Also John Baptist was thirty yeers old when be began to preach in the wilderness, and to prepare the wayes of the Lord. Also Ezekiel at the same age began to prophecy; and Joseph was brought out of Prison on the thirtieth yeer of his Age, and received the government of Egypt from Pharaoh. The number thirty two, the Hebrew Doctors ascribe to wisdom, and so many paths of wisdom are described by Abraham. But the Pythagorians call this the number of Justice, because it is alwaies divisible into two parts, even unto a unity. The number fourty, the Ancients did honour with great observation, concerning which they did celebrate the feast Tessarosten: It is said that it doth conduce to the account of birth, for in so many daies the seed is fitted, and transformed in the womb, untill it be by its due, and harmoniacall proportions brought unto a perfect organicall body, being disposed to receive a rationall soul. And so many dayes they say women be, after they have brought forth, before all things are setled within them, and they purifled, and so many dayes infants refrain from smiling, are infirme, and live with a great deal of hazard. This also is in Religion a number of expiation, and penitency, and signifying great mysteries. For in the time of the deluge the Lord rained fourty daye, and nights upon the earth: The children of Israel lived fourty yeers in the wilderness; fourty dayes the destruction of Nineveh was put off. The same number was accounted as holy in the fasts of the Saints: For Moses, Elias, and Christ fasted fourty dayes. Christ was carried fourty weeks in the womb of a Virgin, Christ tarryed fourty dayes after his birth at Bethelem before he was presented in the Temple: He preached fourty months publickly: He lay