Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/296

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his whole length; So much also doth the bredth of the breast. Nine face-bredths make a square well set man, and ten a tall man. The length of man therefore being divided into nine parts, the face from the top of the forehead to the bottome of the chin is one; then from the bottom of the throat, or the top of the breast unto the top of the stomack is another; from thence to the navell is a third; from thence to the bottom of the thigh, a fourth; from thence the hipp, to the top of the calf of the leg, makes two; from thence to the joynt of the foot the leggs make two more; all which are eight parts. Moreover the space from the top pf the forehead to the crown of the head & that which is from the chin to the top of the breast, and that which is from the joynt of the foot to the sole of the foot, I say these three spaces joyned together make the ninth part. In bredth the breast hath two parts, and both Arms seven. But that body which ten face bredths make, is the most exactly proportioned. Therefore the first part of this is from the crown of the head to the bottome of the nose; from thence to the top of the breast, the second; and then to the top of the stomack the third; and from thence to the navel, the fourth; from thence to the privy members, the fifth; where is the middle of the length of man, from whence to the soles of his feet are five other parts, which being joyned to the former, make ten whole, by which every body is measured by a most proportioned measure. For the face of a man from the bottom of his chin, to the top of his foreheadm and bottom of the hair is the tenth part. The hand of a man from the shutting, to the end of the longest finger is also one part; also betwixt the middle of both dugs is one part and from both to the top of the gullet is an equilaterall triangle. The latitude of the lower part of the forehead from one eare to the other is another part; the latitude of the whole breast, viz. from the top of the breast to the joynts of the shoulder-blades, is on both sides one part, which make two. The compass of the head cross-wise from the distance of the eye-brows by the top of the forehead unto the bottom of the hinder part of the head, where the hair ends, hath also two parts; from the shoulders on the outside unto the coupling together of the joynts