Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/542

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Of Occult Philosophy.
Book III.

Most famous Memmius! this that God is he,
The prince of life, who reason, which all we
Call wisdom, first found out, and who by art
The life from troubles, darkness set apart
And freed, and unto light, and peace reduc'd.

He also understandeth that to be a divine illustration, whence Democritus thinketh that there are no men wise but they that are struck with some divine phrensie, as was Menos that Cretensian, whom they report learned all things of Jupiter, whence he had frequent converse with God in the mount Ida: so also the Athenians report that Melosagora Eleusinus was taught by the Nymphs; so also we read, that Hesiod when he was a Shepherd in Beotia, and kept his flock neer the mountain Helicon, had some pens given him by the Muses, which having received, he presently became a Poet, which to become so sodainly was not of man, but by a divine inspiration; for God conveying himself into holy souls, makes men Prophets, and workers of miracles, being powerfull in work and speech, as Plato and Mercurius affirm, and also Xistus the Pythagorian, saying that such a man is the temple of God, and that God is his guest: to whom assents our Paul, calling man the temple of God; and in another place speaking of himself, I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me; for he is our power, without which (as he saith) we can do nothing; which also Aristotle confesseth in his Meteors and Ethicks, saying, that there is no vertue whether naturall or morall but by God; and in his secrets he saith that a good and sound intellect can do nothing in the secrets of nature without the influence of divine vertue. Now we receive this influence then only, when we do acquit our selves from burdensome impediments, and from carnall and Terrene occupations, and from all external agitation; neither can a blear or impure eye behold things too light, neither can he receive divine things who is ignorant of the purifying of his mind. Now we must come to this purity of mind by degrees,neither