Page:Three Scotch songs.pdf/3

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Donald Caird can drink a gill
Fast as hostle wife can fill;
Ilka ane that sells good liquor
Kens how Donald bends a bicker.
When he's fou, his stout and saucey
Keeps the cantle o‘ the causey;
Highland chief and Lowland laird,
Maun gie room to Donald Caird.

Steek the amrie, lock the kist,
Else some gear may soon be mist;
Donald Caird finds orra things
Whare Allan Gregor fand the tangs;
Dunts o’ kebbuc' taits o’ woo,
Whiles a hen, and whiles a sow:
Wabs or duds, frae hedge or yard,
‘Ware the woody, Donald Caird

On Donald Caird the doom was stern,
Craig to tether—legs to airn:
But Donald Caird‘ wi‘ muckle study,
Caught the gift to cheat the woody.
Kings o‘ airn and bolts o‘ steel,
Fell like ice frae hand and heel:—
Watch the sheep in fauld and glen,
Donald Caird's come again.

Donald Caird‘s come again;
Donald Caird‘s come again;
Dinna let the Shirra ken
Donald Caird's come again