Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/126

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O Lord and Sovereign of my Life, take from me the spirit of idleness, despair, love of power, and unprofitable speaking.

Old Russian Liturgy.

It is they who glorify, who shall enjoy Him; they who deny themselves, who shall not be denied; they who labor on earth, who shall rest in heaven; they who bear the cross, who shall wear the crown; they who seek to bless others, who shall be blessed.

The truest worship is a life;
     All dreaming we resign;
We lay our offerings at Thy feet,—
     Our lives, O God, are Thine!

Live for the other life. Endure as seeing Him who is invisible. Work by faith; work by hope; work by love; work by courage; work by trust; work by the sweet side of your mind; and so be like Christ, until you dwell with Him.

Bearing bravely the evils that beset us, doing cheerfully the duties that are near, trusting in God, guided by Christ, fear shall not confound us in the way, and death shall find us ready.

The Christian's life on this side and beyond the grave is essentially the same, differing only as a song which, at a certain point, changes from the minor to the major key, and thenceforth wells along with still more glorious harmonies.