Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/272

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As long as we work on God's line, He will aid us. When we attempt to work on our own lines, He rebukes us with failure.

As a general rule, those truths which we highly relish, and which shed a degree of practical light upon the things which we are required to give up for God, are leadings of Divine grace, which we should follow without hesitation.


There is nothing so small but that we may honor God by asking His guidance of it, or insult Him by taking it into our own hands.

Joy is like restless day; but peace divine
     Like quiet night.
Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shall shine
     Through peace to light!

The Christian will sometimes be brought to walk in a solitary path. God seems to cut away his props, that He may reduce him to Himself. His religion is to be felt as a personal, particular, appropriate possession. He is to feel, that, as there is but one Jehovah to bless, so there seems to him as though there were but one penitent in the universe to be blessed by Him.

"My Father, it is dark!" "Child, take my hand,
Cling close to me; I'll lead thee through the land,
Trust my all-seeing care, so shalt thou stand
     'Midst glory bright above."

Can we be unsafe where God has placed us, and where He watches over us as a parent a child that he loves?
