Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/562

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Try how much of the word of God you can understand, and what is more, try how much you can practice. A sincere wish and purpose to do the will of God, will be your best way to know the mind of God.

True emotions and sincere words never perish. The great heart of humanity gladly receives and embalms every true utterance of the humblest of its offspring.

The surest, as the shortest way, to make yourself beloved and honored, is to be, indeed, the very man you wish to appear.


Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with the judgment of charity.

I cannot find in Scripture that any one ever got to heaven merely by sincerity, or was accepted with God if he was only earnest in maintaining his own views. Sincerity cannot put away sin.

Let every man examine his own sincerity, for every man must bear his own burden—the burden of his own sin—unless he has transferred it to the appointed Saviour.


The best days of the church have always been its singing days.

Make His praise glorious.