Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/569

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As ravens rejoice over carrion, so infernal spirits exult over the sod that is dead in sin.


It may be a very little thing for you to say to a young man the few words that turn him from the way of ruin, and win him back to life and hope. It may be a very little thing to you; but it is every thing to the young man.

A kind word spoken for Christ may create a wider vibration in eternity than the grandest sermon by the greatest preacher.

C. Gowand.

A word spoken in season, at the right moment, is the mother of ages.

O Christians! are you willing to walk the streets of heaven, and have no one greet you there? Would you be willing to go yourselves inside the gates and never have a soul to greet you and say, "I thank God for the kind words of sympathy and love you spoke on earth?"

To speak for Him will be our impulse. No matter how timid, nervous, self-diffident, we are in ourselves, as we touch His pierced and royal hand, we shall be instantly masterful and strong.

Take my lips, and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.