Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/580

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Learn to teach the children to look at this world as a beautiful symbol of Jesus; every thing, Jesus; Christ, all; Christ, in all. So shall you educate the imaginations of the children to receive, and their memories to retain and to use, that Christian truth; and you yourself shall be lifted up, as on angel's wings, to see with John things which are unspeakable, but which the sanctified imagination realizes.

Oh, be assured, fellow teachers, that there is no time in life so favorable to sound conversion as early childhood.

To live a godly life is the best way to light up a lesson that the teacher can possibly employ.

Let us see to it that in our schools, as far as possible, every week, some lessons from Scripture, in the language of the Scripture are learned.

The teacher should use illustrations for the better teaching of the lesson, and never to fill up time, to amuse the class, or to display his own genius.

It is quite likely that the modern contrivances for making Sunday-schools amusing have given them a distaste for the more solemn services of the sanctuary. If so, the amusement is a sin. The schools should feed the church. Children ought to be led by one into the other, exposed to the preaching of the gospel, taught the ways of God's house, and brought up under its influence, with all its hallowed and elevating influences.