- At death, 180 c, d, 213 c, 623 c.
- Christian, evidences of, 365 e.
- Faith its most essential ingredient, 45 b.
- How formed, 45 d, 46 d, 254 e, 255 b, 581 b.
- How injured, 45 g, 46 a.
- Measure of enjoyment and suffering, 45 a.
- Strength of, 45 c.
- Tested, 44 c, 533 a, 534 e, f.
- Tombstone, the best, 44 d.
- Charity (Love): 46-48.
- How to foster it, 48 b.
- In speaking, 47 g.
- Motive for, 47 a.
- Nature and effect of, 46 e-g, 47 b-f, 48 c.
- Should begin at home, 48 a.
- Chastisement: 140 a, 568 c, 588 a.
- See also Affliction, etc.
- Cheerfulness: 48-49.
- Cause of, one, 545 d.
- Cultivate it, 49 a, b.
- Effect of, 48 e, f.
- Honors God, 49 d.
- In self-denial, 534 c.
- What it indicates, 48 g, h.
- Children: 49-53.
- Bring them to Christ, 50 d, 145 b, 571 b, 572 a, b.
- Christ's method, 49 f, 50 c, 570 c.
- Consider them lent to us, 51 e.
- Death of, 51 f, 53 b, d.
- Don't despise them, 50 e.
- Educate us, 51 a, 545 e.
- How to train them, 50 b, 295 d.
- Need models, not critics, 49 g.
- Patience with, 51 d.
- Prayer for, 50 f.
- We all are children, 51 b, c, 143c, f.
- What to teach them, 33 f.
- Why God has given them, 50 a.
- Choice: 53.See also Decision.
- Decisive moments, 53 f.
- Imperative, 53 e-g, 435 d.
- Christ: 54-102.
- Advent of, 54 b, 55 a.
- Advocate, 88 c, d.
- All in all, 54 a.
- Always the same, 64 a, 78 a, 93 d, e, 94 a.
- Atoning sacrifice.See Christ's Sufferings and Death.
- Beauty of, 54 a, 57 a, 96 c.
- Blood of, 87 e, f, 88 a, c, 74 e, 81 b, d, 83 d, 84 a.
- Brother, my, 93 a, c, 94 a, 100 b.
- Burden, 98 a-d.
- Burden bearer, 61 e, 86 b, 98 e, 99 a-d.
- Centre of world's history, 56 b, c, 59 d, 78 a.
- Character, grandeur of, 59 e, 60 c, 61 c, d, 64 f.
- Creator, 56 c.
- Cross of, 71 d, 72 a, b, 73 c, e, 78 d, e.See also Cross of Christ.
- Cross constantly before Him, 61 c, d, 68 c.
- Divine, 56 d, 57 a-58 d, 59 e, 62 b, 138 b.
- Embodiment of virtue, 65 c.
- Enthusiasm of, 208 e.
- Ever lives, 75 e, 78 a.
- Exaltation of, 77 a-e.
- Example, our, 62 e, 124 f, 391 e.
- Faith in.See Faith in Christ.
- Faith of, 61 d.
- Fame of, 60 a, 61 b, 78 a.
- Fulfills all types, 69 b, c.
- Fullness of, 95 c-96 b.