- Soul of peace, 443 e.
- Strength from, 48 f, 444 e.
- Sublime, 122 e, 443 a, b, e.
- Patriotism: 445.
- Nature of, 445 a, c.
- Work of, 445 b.
- Peace: 445-448.See also Rest.
- Causes of, 110 b, 443 e, 545 c, 612 a.
- Elements of, 447 a, e, f, 544 d.
- Gift of Christ, 445 d.
- How to secure it, 122 b, 445 e, 446 c, 447 b-e, 448 a-c, 532 a, 589 d, 592 a.
- If possible, 603 f.
- Of God, 446 d, 447 b, c, f.
- Of the world, 446 d.
- Prayer for, 446 e.
- Two kinds of, 448 d.
- Penitence: 448-449.See also Repentance.
- Nature of, 448 e-g, 449 a.
- Prayer for, 449 b.
- Perfection: 449.
- Nature and condition of, 449 e, f.
- Our highest good, 449 c.
- Possible, 449 d.
- Persecution: 450.
- Destroys nothing good, 149 b, 450 a.
- Joy in, 339 e.
- Method of development, 216 a.
- Perseverance: 450-451.
- In prayer, 461 b, f.
- Nature of, 450 c, e.
- Practice of, 3 g, 450 d, e, 451 a, b.
- Piety: 451-454.See also Holiness and Christian Life.
- And intellect, 453 a, b.
- Cultivate it, 452 c, e, 454 a.
- Effect of, 452 d.
- Female, 454 b.
- Gloomy, 452 b.
- In exercise, 452 a, b.
- Manly, need of, 452 f , 453 a.
- Nature of, 451 c, 452 a, c.
- Trial of, 585 c.
- Weak and spurious, 453 c, d.
- Pity, 160 f, 454 c.
- Pleasures.See Amusements.
- Of home, 324 e, 325 a.
- Poverty: 454-455.
- Acquiescence in God's will, in, 161 e.
- And riches, 454 d, e, 455 d.
- Does not secure heaven, 455 a.
- Not a bar to heaven, 455 c.
- Trials of, 455 b.
- Power: 455-456.
- Exercise of, 456 b.
- Lasting, 455 e.
- Of the church, 455 f.
- Of death, 174 c, d.
- Of prayer, 459 d, e, 465 d, 467 d, 470 f.
- Praise: 456.See also Gratitude and Thankfulness.
- Auxiliary to prayer, 456 c.
- In the church, 456 d.
- In trial, 49 c.
- Nature of, 435 f, 456 e.
- Prayer: 456-475.See also Devotion.
- Achievements of, 459 g, 460 a, 468 b, e.
- And exertion, 469 a-d.
- Answered, 474 a-c.
- Assurance in, its ground, 460 d.
- Assurance in source of, 460 c, 610 a.