Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/73

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Jesus Christ, the embodiment of truth and love, has explained the Scriptures by fulfilling them. So when the soul has passed into God, the word is fulfilled in the soul, as it was in Christ. O Love! thou art thyself the pure, naked, simple truth, which is expressed, not by me, but by thyself, through me.

In darkness there is no choice. It is light that enables us to see the difference between things; and it is Christ that gives us light.

Guesses at Truth.

Christ came not to talk about a beautiful light, but to be that light—not to speculate about virtue, but to be virtue.

The parables, as they are called, are the wisdom of Jesus applied to the daily life of man.

They take inadequate views of Christ's prophetic character, who think Jesus came only to utter discourses, parables, and prayers. Suppose all He ever said to be found in the writings of Jewish rabbis and heathen philosophers, His great function would still be an orginal one, to show us the Father.

Christ's miracles were vivid manifestations to the senses that He is the Saviour of the body—and now as then the issues of life and death are in His hands—that our daily existence is a perpetual miracle. The extraordinary was simply a manifestation of God's power in the ordinary.

All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
