Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/116

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like small specks from the height, while field after field with small elevations and declivities, which could scarcely be marked from the top of Rigi seemed stretching on as far as the eye could reach. All this was however on the north and east. Towards the south and west you would see mountains, nothing but mountains, magnificent peaks penetrating through all mist and cloud, and

"Throning eternity in icy halls."

So noble a scene I had never seen before, and a more magnificent one it is certainly impossible to conceive.

Flulen, another part of Lake Lucerne that we saw, is said to be "one of the most magnificent scenes in Europe, Flulen.if not in the world." The quiet lake, and the noble mountains, on both sides of us formed a scene picturesque indeed.

From Lucerne we went by steamer and Diligence (Swiss stage-coach) to Interlaken, a town situated between two lakes (whence its name) i.e., the lakes of Brienz and Thun. Interlaken.By Diligence we went from the lake of Lucerne to the lake Brienz, our path lying through a magnificent pass between overhanging mountains. At first we proceeded through the low valley, but gradually our Diligence ascended by winding paths to a high eminence, whence we saw the huts and rivulets in the vale far below, while the tops of mountains were still towering high above our head. Snow rested on the cliffs and glittered in the sun, while every here and there sparkling rills, like threads of silver, were descending along the craggy sides of the