Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/178

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purpose in the Exhibition rooms. Nevertheless the members of the Committee had somehow heard of my arrival in England, and were kind enough to send invitations to join the several trips to the various large towns of England where the Colonial and Indian visitors were incited and heartily and hospitably received. I was unable to accept any one of these because I had made up my mind to visit Norway during the time that these receptions were going on. On my return from Norway, however, I found I was in time to accept one set of invitations at least, and that was to the ancient towns of Bristol, Bath and Wells. Soon after our coming to Littlehampton, therefore, I left my family there and went to Bristol.

I cannot describe the magnificent reception which was given to us in all these ancient towns. The Colonials and Indians were received as the sons of old England, visiting the old country from the ends of the earth. The streets were decorated with flags and banners, with fantastic wreaths and bunting; deputations waited at Railway Stations to receive us; carriages were in attendance to drive us to the hotels or lodgings assigned to us; and the streets and house-windows poured forth their tens of thousands of eager spectators who cheered us as we passed. Invitations to luncheons, dinners, balls, suppers and music parties showered upon us during our stay in these towns; all the great places of industry and manufacture were opened for our inspection; the ancient churches and cathedrals and Roman remains and interesting monuments were shown