Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/232

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tween walls of rock on both sides covered with pine. It rushed down in about half a dozen different falls, over a rocky bed, and the sight was grand indeed. It is the enormous volume of water that makes these falls so imposing, and in this respect the falls are unsurpassed in Europe.

We came back to our steamer from these falls, and we descended through some more locks to the level of the river Gota below all these falls. We then came down this river until we reached the busy and prosperous commercial town of Gottenburg, the largest and busiest port in the west coast of Sweden.

Gottenburg is a modern town founded by Gustavas Adolphus in 1621. The town has a remarkably pleasing appearance with large cleanly streets and handsome buildings, Gottenburg.and the peculiar form of its canals and streets is due to the Dutch settlers of the period when the city was founded. When the seaports of Europe were closed to English trade in 1806 under the orders of the great Napoleon then supreme in Europe, Gottenburg formed the great depot of English trade in the north, and received a fresh impulse in trade. It has an excellent harbour always crowded with ships, and the port is seldom blocked by ice in winter. The Baltic Sea near Stockholm is on the contrary blocked with ice every winter, and trade becomes well nigh impossible.

At the time that we reached Gottenburg there was an annual fair held in the town, thousands of people come from different parts of Norway and Sweden and also from