Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/255

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celebrated Bois de Boulogne which was originally a forest and a game preserve and is now one of the loveliest and best wooded parks in the world. Bois de Boulogne.It covers 2250 acres of ground and is covered with timber of various kinds. It is intersected by broad roads and rides under drooping trees and is adorned by sheets of ornamental water. Two lakes were excavated here during the empire, and an artificial cascade having a fall of over 40 feet is the delight of Parisians and well as of strangers. A part of the Bois is enclosed and made into a Zoological garden, and called the Jardin d'Acclimatation. It has a fine collection of animals and birds.

We have taken our readers westwards from the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde to the Bois de Boulogne. Let us now go eastwards from the Place de la Concorde by a new route, the Rue de Rivoli. As we stroll down this street eastwards, we have the Tuilleries and the Louvre to our right and we pass by several places of interest to our left. Before we have gone very far we see to our left a fine street leading to the celebrated Colonne Vendome a magnificent trophy of the victories of the great Napoleon. Vendome Column."The idea of melting 1200 cannons taken in battle from the Russians and Austrians and constructing of them a bronze column 142 ft. in height and 13 ft. in diameter crowned by his own statue, was worthy of the man whose ambition was not limited to the subjugation of Europe, but who aspired to be the conqueror of the world like Alexander the Great." Tins great column was completed