Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/318

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Germany and Austria.

A long day's journey brought me from Amsterdam to Hanover. Hanover is closely connected with English history and has given England her present reigning dynasty;—George I. Hanover.and his successors were electors of Hanover as well as kings of England. Hanover was made into a kingdom in the early part of the present century, but was united with and reduced into a province of the kingdom of Prussia in 1866, so that Hanover has no separate existence now in the German empire like Bavaria and other principalities.

The new portions of the town of Hanover boast of fine streets lined with imposing edifices, but the older portions with their quaint old German houses are perhaps more interesting. The house of Leibnitz, the philosopher, is still pointed out to visitors. The market place and the old market church, built in the 14th century, and the Town hall erected in the 15th century are specially interesting. Town Hall.The church is an imposing brick structure with a tower 295 feet high. The large reception hall of the Rathhaus is finely decorated with frescoes.

The palace of Hanover is of a later date, Palace.being built in the 17th century, but the decorations in the rooms inside are