Page:Three Years in Europe.djvu/401

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The castle known as Palazzo Madama or Lady's palace is the centre of the town both in position and in point of interest. The castle was first built in the 13th century and then formed the residence of the Dukes of Savoy. All round this castle are the Royal Palace, the Theatre and other buildings of imposing architecture, Palace.underneath the first storey of which run handsome arcades with beautiful shops. From the castle northwards as far as the Po is the Via Po, lighted along its entire length by electricity. Most of the principal squares, too, as well as the Railway Station are lighted by electricity. Southwards from the Castle runs another beautiful street with handsome and uniform buildings along it, and called the Via Garibaldi. But the finest street in Turin, running north and south, and planted with rows of shady trees like the Boulevards of Paris is the Via Victor Emanuel.

On the 13th December I left Turin and soon passed by Rivoli, the scene of another of Napolean's brilliant victories. In the evening we crossed the Alps by the Mont Cenis tunnel 19 feet high and 26 feet wide and 7 1/2 miles in length. Half an hour is required Mont Cenis Tunnel.for the transit through the tunnel which is one of the longest in the world. We then came to Modane, the frontier town, where our baggages were of course examined, and a little dinner was ready for us. We then crept into our carriages again and the next morning we were in Paris. And the next day, (15th December) I was back again in London.