Page:Three Years in Tibet.djvu/17

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LXVII. Tibetan Women. 472
LXVIII. Tibetan Boys and Girls. 479
LXIX. The Care of the Sick. 484
LXX. Outdoor Amusements. 489
LXXI. Russia's Tibetan Policy. 493
LXXII. Tibet and British India. 509
LXXIII. China, Nepal and Tibet. 519
LXXIV. The Future of Tibetan Diplomacy. 526
LXXV. The "Monlam" Festival. 531
LXXVI. The Tibetan Soldiery. 549
LXXVII. Tibetan Finance. 554
LXXVIII. Future of the Tibetan Religions. 561
LXXIX. The Beginning of the Disclosure of the Secret. 566
LXXX. The Secret Leaks Out. 574
LXXXI. My Benefactor's Noble Offer. 584
LXXXII. Preparations for Departure. 590
LXXXIII. A Tearful Departure from Lhasa. 599
LXXXIV. Five Gates to Pass. 618
LXXXV. The First Challenge Gate. 623
LXXXVI. The Second and Third Challenge Gates. 636
LXXXVII. The Fourth and Fifth Challenge Gates. 642
LXXXVIII. The Final Gate passed. 647
LXXXIX. Good-bye, Tibet! 652
XC. The Labche Tribe. 660
XCI. Visit to my Old Teacher. 667
XCII. My Tibetan Friends in Trouble. 671
XCIII. Among Friends. 677
XCIV. The Two Kings of Nepal. 682
XCV. Audience of the Two Kings. 685
XCVI. Second Audience. 688
XCVII. Once more in Katmandu. 692
XCVIII. Interview with the Acting Prime Minister. 697
XCIX. Painful News from Lhasa. 700
C. The King betrays his suspicion. 703