Page:Three excellent and at present very fashionable songs.pdf/2

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Tune—Braes of Tullymet.

Will ye gang wi' me, lassie,
To the braes o' Birniebouzle?
Baith the earth an’ sea lassie,
Will I rob to send ye:
I'll hunt the otter an’ the brock.
The hart, the hare, an’ heather-cock;
An' pu’ the limpat off the rock,
To fatten an’ to send ye.

If ye'll gae wi’ me lassie,
to the braes o’ Birnibouzle,
Till the day ye dee lassie,
ye sall aye hae plenty:
The peats I'll carry in a skall;
The cod an' ling w' lines I'll pull;
An' reave the eggs o' many a gull,
To make ye dishes dainty.