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She led me to her dwelling
ſhe cheer'd my heart with wine,
And then ſhe deck'd a table
at which the gods might dine.

Among the mild Madonas
her features you may find;
But not the fam'd Corregios
could ever paint her mind.
Then ſing the maid of Lodi,
who ſweetly ſung to me;
And when this maid is married,
ſtill happier may ſhe be.

Love and Glory.

YOUNG Henry was as brave a youth,
as ever grac'd martial ſtory;
And Jane was as fair as lovely truth,
ſhe ſigh'd for love, and he for glory,

With her his faith he meant to plight,
and told her many a gallant ſtory,
Till war their honeſt joys to blight,
call'd him away from love to glory.

Brave Henry met the for with pride,
Jane follow'd—fought—ah, hapleſs ſtory!
In man's attire, by Henry's ſide,
ſhe died for love, and he for alory.