Page:Thrummy Cap and the ghaist (3).pdf/10

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                     As gif the sun was shining bright;
                     The Ghaist was stanan at the door,
                     In the same dress he had afore;
                     And o'er anent it, at the wa',
                     Were ither apparitions twa.
                     Thrummy beheld them for a wee,
                     But deil a word as yet spoke he;
                     The spirits seem'd to kick a ba',
                     The Ghaist against the ither twa :
                     While close they drave baith back & fore,
                     Atween the chimla and the door.
                     He stops a while, and sees the play,
                     Syne, rinning up, he this did say:
                     Ane for ane may weel compare,
                     But twa for ane is rather sair ;
                     The play's nae equal, say I vow,
                     Dear brother Thrummy, I'll help you,
                     Then wi' his feet he kick'd the ba',
                     Gard it play stot against the wa':
                     Quick then, as lightning frae the sky,
                     The Spectres, with a horrid cry,
                     A' vanish'd in a clap o' thun'er,
                     While Thrummy at the same did won'er,
                     The room was quiet now and dark,
                     And Thrummy stirping in his sark;
                     Glauming the gate back to his bed,
                     He thinks he hears a person tread,
                     An' ere he gat without the door,
                     The Ghaist again stood him before,
                     And in his face did staring stand,
                     Wi' a big candle in its hand,