Page:Thrummy Cap and the ghaist (3).pdf/22

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                    Sideways they started at the sight,
                      and whisk'd the gig half round;
                    Then 'cross the crowded market place
                      they flew with furious bound.
                    First o'er a heap of crockry ware,
                      the rapid car they whirl'd;
                    And jugs and mugs, and pots and pans
                      in fragments wide were hurl'd.
                    A booth stood near with tempting cakes,
                      and grocery richly fraught;
                    All Birmingham on t'other side
                      the dazzel'd optics caught.
                    With active wing the nimble steeds
                      rush'd through the pass between,
                    And scarcely touch'd; the car behind
                      got through not quite so clean :
                    For while one wheel one stall engaged,
                      its fellow took the other--
                    Dire was the clash, down fell the booths,
                      and made a dreadful pother.
                    Nuts, oranges, and gingerbread,
                      and figs here roll'd around;
                    And scissars, knives, and thimbles there,
                      bestrewed the glittering ground.
                    The fall of boards, the shouts and cries,
                      urged on the horses faster;
                    And as they flew at every step
                      they caused some new disaster.