Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/12

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ON INSCRIPTIONS OF THE AGE OF THUCYDIDES SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Nature of the study, ix ; where inscriptions are found, x ; process of restoring, deciphering, fixing the date, xi ; Messcnians of Naupactus, Alcibiades, xii; Mitylen^;, xiii ; ancient forms of letters and words, xiii, xiv ; illustrations of Herodotus, Aristophanes, Plutarch, Pausanias, &c., XV ; mention of Sophocles, xviii ; inscriptions compared with MSB., xviii, xix ; restoration of them assisted by uniformity of writing and con- tents, xix; danger of conjectural explanations, which are sometimes overthrown by later discoveries, xxi, cp. xlv, Hi ; inscriptions illustrate antiquities more than history, xxiv ; ostracism, accounts of the 'Board of Admiralty,' and Erechtheum, xxiv, xxv ; inscriptions chiefly belong to later times, use of them by the ancients, xxv ; interest of them as relics of the past, xxvi ; the oldest are comparatively recent, xxvii ; literary interest, xxix; forgery, xxx. Inscriptions illustrating Thucydides : The ra^it <p6pov and quota lists, xxxii ; comparison of Thucydides and the quota lists, xxxvi; doubling of the tribute in 425(1), xliv; arrears recorded in the quota lists (?), lii ; Mclos and Thera, liv, Iv ; famine of 449 (?), Iv ; geographical division of the tributaries, Ivi ; revolt of Potidaea, &c., Ivi ; how was the tribute fixed ? Ivii. Inventories of sacred treasure, lix ; repayment of debts to Athene and the other deities, Ixiii ; Kirchhoff's attempt to estimate the ex- penditure of Athens in 431-428 by a comparison of Thuc. ii. 13, iii. 17, 19, Ixv ; ordinary scale of expenditure, Ixix ; interest on expenditure from sacred treasure in 433-423, Ixxiii ; was there also a secular treasure ? Ixxv; Demosthenes and Nicias, Ixxviii, cp. Ixxxi ; record of expenditure under another form, Ixxviii ; revolt of Samos, expedition to Corcyra and discrepancy with Thucydides, Ixxix ; Macedonia, Demosthenes at Argos (1), Ixxx ; expeditions to Melos and Sicily, Ixxxi ; references to the rescr-e fund (') and the 400, Ixxxii ; exhaustion of the treasury in 410, the Propylaea, Delos, mutilation of the Hcrmae, Alcibiades, Ixxxiv. Decrees of the senate and people, Ixxxv ; Er>-thrae, Colophon, Chalcis, Miletus, Hcstiaea, Egcsta, Rhegium, Leontini, Anibracia, Methon^, Pcrdiccas, Argos (Thuc. v. 47), Hyperbolus, Bottiaea, Samos, Phry- nichus, Daphnus, Halicis, the ' Pelasgian ground,' intercalary month, Ixxxv-xcv; votive and sepulchral inscriptions, xcv; tripod dedicated after Plataca, Pisistratus son of Hippias, Dodona, tribe Erechtheis, Polidac.-i, other battles, xcv-xcix, cp. xvii, xxvii ; fragments from the wall of Tlicmislocles, xcix ; dangerous tendency to conjecture in the study of inscription-;, c ; the true value of them, ci ; ostracism of Thcmistoclcs, Pythion of Mcgara ^addenda), ciii.