Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/138

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22 CORCYRAEAN SUCCESSES [l from the Corinthians. The Corcyraean ships, numbering eighty (for forty out of the hundred and twenty were engaged in the blockade of Epidamnus were now fully manned ; these sailed out against the Corinthians and, forming line, fought and won a complete victory over them, and destroyed fifteen of their ships. On the very same day the forces besieging Epidamnus succeeded in compelling the city to capitulate, the terms being that the Corinthians until their fate was determined should be imprisoned and the strangers sold. 30 After the sea-fight the Corcyraeans raised a trophy on T,, ^ Leucimne, a promontory of Corcyra, I he Corcyraeans, ' ^ . . . having command of ^nd put to death all their prisoners with the sea, plunder the the exception of the Corinthians, whom allies of Corinth. ^^^^ ^^^^ j^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ defeated Corinthians and their allies then returned home, and the Corcyraeans (who were now masters of the Ionian sea), sailing to Leucas, a Corinthian colon}-, devastated the country. They also burnt C3'llene, where the Eleans had their docks, because they had supplied the Corinthians with money and ships. And, during the greater part of the summer after the battle, they retained the command of the sea and sailed about plundering the allies of the Corinthians. But, before the season was over, the Corin- thians, perceiving that their allies were suffering, sent At length the Conn- 0"^ a fleet and took up a position at thians form a camp to Actium and near the promontory of protect them. Cheimcrium in Thesprotia, that they might protect Leucas and other friendly places. The Corcyraeans with their fleet and army stationed them- selves on the opposite coast at Leucimne. Neither party attacked the other, but during the remainder of the summer they maintained their respective stations, and at the ap- proach of winter returned home. 31 For the whole year after the battle and for a year after B.C. 435, that, the Corinthians, exasperated by the war with Corcyra, oT^86 2 3 were busy in building ships. They took the utmost pains