Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/204

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88 PAUSANIAS SUMMONED TO SPARTA [l of Hermione without leave ", and was evidently carrying HeisrecaUed a second on the Same practices; when he had time by the Lacedae- been forced out of Byzantium and the momans and thrown .111 1 • 1 • 1 into prison, but soon ^^^^^ ^^d, ^een shut agamst him by comes out and offers the Athenians ; and when, instead ofre- himselffor trial. turning to Sparta, he settled at Colonae in Troas, and was reported to the Ephors to be negotiating with the Barbarians, and to be staying there for no good purpose, then at last they made up their minds to act. They sent a herald to him with a despatch rolled on a scytale, commanding him to follow the officer home, and saying that, if he refused, Sparta would declare war against him. He, being desirous as far as he could to avoid sus- picion and believing that he could dispose of the accusa- tions by bribery, returned for the second time to Sparta. On his return he was at once thrown into prison by the Ephors, who have the power to imprison the king himself But after a time he contrived to come out, and challenged any one who asserted his guilt to bring him to trial. 132 As yet however neither his enemies among the citizens c. a- ■ . ■, rior the Spartan government had any bujfiaent evidence . cannot be obtained. At trustworthy evidence such as would last his confidential ser- have justified them in inflicting punish- vantopensaletterivhich ^^^^ ^ ^ member of the royal family he 'was to cany to the ^ j j Persian satrap, and holding royal office at the time. For finding an order for he was the guardian as Well as cousin of his ozvrt death, turns t^g king, Pleistarchus SOU of Leonidas, informer. °' ' who was still a minor. But his dis- regard of propriety and affectation of Barbarian fashions made them strongly suspect that he was dissatisfied with his position in the state. They examined into any viola- tion of established usage which they could find in his previous life ; and they remembered among other things how in past times he had presumed on his own authority to inscribe on the tripod at Delphi, which the Hellenes ° Cp. i. 128.