Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/30

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xxvi THUC TUIDUT votive offerings the Accegnils’ )Ftcnbn, Athenaeus, 21. p. 472 B, 486 D; 010. 587 C). A book of in. b bi Theben inscriptions is attributed to Aristebewus, a Theben histoCan )Behni. Apellen. Rhod. i. gob”, and n wesh on the votive offerings of Anighi to Aisetes )Atbnonnns, viii. 591 C), nob no effeCegs in geonsel to Menetne )p C); aob thorn worn ethos netbers )b. ebent 500 250 n.e.). Abe greet sellester of nosient tiwse wes Csntnsos the benine, who beblisbeb wesh, Hcp, DØUTC6TWV. err. Frew this work Bnnebb sebbeses weep of the hermes feneb in the Areters, esgerielly io the Aretine for the Crown, to boon been entrerteb. Abe bilignoen of the thimb nob snenob snotoCes before CbCst, libe thet of nor ewe nine- tenoth, bob no besnilsi in neffiss tiwne. Abet the nerlins bistesines webe en little ore of insesighens is snrgrising to or. AgAn nob ngnio bnnbtfni geints of the history wight been been veribeb or rerresteb, bob the nerretes nose theeght of enewiniog the weonwents of the tnwgins. Abe onwes of the ersheos in Ainbeses Bisoins nob Alenyrins of Meilsernesres are brebebly beCoeb 7mw this source. Bet iu general the enewlentine of notberitler wes elino to the untorn of the Inter Amok bisteCens, even were then to Merebetos nob Aberybibes. For net only be the weteCels of history errowelete slowly, bet the wetbeb of osing thew nob ney interest ebeot the troth of thew are neon were slowly orboireb. Tab wenbieb be net begin to merck netil the nb)nrtr of their scorch ore knits or oneffy iCrt. Abe lives of beebrebs nob boebrebs of rebelers hove been sheet to regni a, if it were b055ib10, n swell frertino of there trensecer which by ogre to the eyes of all Atbealnar nob were gerreb by anberbeb of thew. Ann greet interest of nerinet lOrrrlbtiOOs cewains to be wentinash. It is n striking theeght thet we hove grerrat tC es sewn of the very works nab irTecs no which the eye ant only of the necleat birteCens, hot of Chewirterins nab FeC sloe nab Alsibinhes, west hove geseb. Anne to the shot no which the weunweat beoCeg it wos ecigianily scesteb in 0