Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/321

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33-35] PACHES AT NOTIUM 205 As he was sailing along the coast on his return he 34 touched at Notium, the port of Colo- „ , . 1 aches on htsirtum phon. Here some mhabitants of the puts m at Notm,,,, ii,c upper town had taken up their abode ; po>tnfCnlo/>ho>t,oii the for it had been captured by Itamenes f'"""" °f «" «"■ ,, -ni- 1111 ' rrsiait fartwn ivlnch and the Barbarians, who had been i,ad hem diivcn out. invited into the city by a certain local ii<- takes the eitathi. and faction. The capture took place about ^'•""^/"•""'•^^' ^'^'^ ('"^ f , commander Htf^ptas. the time of the second invasion of The Athenians lecstali- Attica. The refugees who settled in ^'*/' '^"^ Coiophonians Notium again quarrelled among them- "' otnuu. selves. The one part}^, having introduced Arcadian and Barbarian auxiliaries whom they had obtained from Pissuthnes, stationed them in a fortified quarter of the town ; the Persian faction from the upper city of Colophon joined them and were living with them. The other party had retired from the city, and being now in exile, called in Paches. He proposed to Hippias, the commander of the Arcadians in the fortress, that they should hold a con- ference, undertaking, if they could not agree, to put him back in the fort, safe and sound. So he came out, and Paches kept him in custody without fetters. In the mean- time he made an attack upon the unsuspecting garrison, took the fortress, and slaughtered all the Arcadians and Barbarians whom he found within. He then conducted Hippias into the fort, according to the agreement, and when he was inside seized him and shot him to death with arrows. He next handed over Notium to the Colo- phonians, excluding the Persian party. The Athenians afterwards gathered together all the Colophonians who could be found in the neighbouring cities and colonised the place, to which they gave laws like their own, under new founders whom they sent out from Athens, On returning to Lesbos, Paches reduced Pyrrha and 35 Eresus, and finding Salaethus, the Salacthus is captured Lacedaemonian governor, concealed in and smt to Athens ivith ,, ., , ... ^ ..1 TT„ tiic Mytilcnacan uhcls. Mytilene, sent him to Athens, lie ->