Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/356

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240 THE CORCYRAEAN SEDITION [iii in the island, conveyed them back to the temple of Here The Peioponmstan 3"^ guarded the cjty. But the Pelo- Jled, instead of attack- ponncsians, although they had won the inp the ctfy, retire ; u n 1 j • 1 , . . battle, did not venture to attack the cit}', but returned to their station on the mainland with thirteen Corcyraean ships which they had taken. On the next day they still hesitated, although there was great panic and confusion among the inhabitants. It is said that Brasidas advised Alcidas to make the attempt, but he had not an equal vote with him. So they only disembarked at the promontory of Leucimne and ravaged the country. 80 Meanwhile the people of Corcyra, dreading that the fleet a,iei soon aftenvards, °^ ^^^^ Peloponnesians would attack hearingthat sixty Athc- them, held a parley with the other vian vessels are ap- faction, especially with the suppliants, proachmg, return home. • ,1 1 r • , . in the hope of savmg the city ; they even persuaded some of them to go on board the fleet; for the Corcyraeans still contrived to man thirty ships. But the Peloponnesians, after devastating the land till about midday, retired. And at nightfall the approach of sixty Athenian vessels was signalled to them from Leucas. These had been sent by the Athenians under the command of Eurymedon the son of Thucles, when they heard of the revolution and of the intended expedition of Alcidas to Corcyra. 81 The Peloponnesians set out that very night on their way Massacre of the oli- home, keeping close to the land, and •^'"'^^'•^- transporting the ships over the Leu- cadian isthmus, that they might not be seen sailing rounds When the Corcyraeans perceived that the Athenian fleet was appoaching, while that of the enemy had disappeared, they took the Messenian troops, who had hitherto been outside the walls, into the city, and ordered the ships which they had manned to sail round into the Hyllaic harbour. These proceeded on their way. Meanwhile " Cp. iv. 8'iiiit.