Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/371

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98-IOI] LACEDAEMONIAN ATTACK UPON NA UPylCTUS Z^S ians, they retreated to Naupactus, and returned in their ships to Athens. Demosthenes remained behind in Naupactus and the neighbourhood ; for, after what had happened, he feared the anger of the Athenians. About the same time the Athenian forces engaged in 99 Sicily sailing to the territory of Locri r;,e Italian Locrians and there disembarking, defeated the dcfcatai. Locrians who came out to meet them, and took a small garrison fort, which was situated upon the river Malex. ^ During the same summer the Aetolians, who had some loo time before despatched Tolophus the Ophionean, Boriades the Eurytanian, ^j' ^foliaus per- J T^- J 1 A 1 suade the Lacedae- and lisander the Apodotian on an monians to smd an embassy to Corinth and Lacedaemon, expedition against Nan- induced the Lacedaemonians to aid ^"^"'^' them by sending an army against Naupactus, in order to punish the inhabitants for inviting the Athenian invasion ". So in the autumn they sent out three thousand hoplites of their allies, including five hundred from Heraclea, the newly-founded city in Trachis. Eurylochus, a Spartan, was general, and with him were associated in the command Macarius and Menedaeus, also Spartans. When the army was collected at Delphi, Eurylochus loi sent a herald to the Ozolian Locrians, Emyhchus the Lace- for he had to pass through their country daemonian commander on the way to Naupactus ; and he also si'^'-ts/rom Delphi and wished to detach them from the Athen- ^'"^'ches through Locns. ian alliance. Of the Locrians, the inhabitants of Amphissa were most willing to co-operate with him, being anxious for protection against their enemies the Phocians ; they were the first who gave hostages, and by them the other Locrians, who were alarmed at the impending invasion, were persuaded to do the like :— first their neighbours the Myoneans, who commanded the most difficult pass into Locris; then the Ipneans, Messapians, Tritaeeans, " Cp. iii. 94 med.