Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/48

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xliv THUCYDIDES likely that the payments of the other allies were pro rata diminished, for the resources of the confederacy would have been proportionably impaired ; i. e. the Athenians would only have had the same amount of money and no ships or compensation for losses in war. Other questions arise to which we can give no answers. How and when were new states admitted? Why are subject states such as Samos after 439 b.c, and certain places cited as tributaries by Stephanus Byzantinus and the lexicographers from Craterus^ (Nymphaeum, — cp. NY in the rafis 4>6pov, C. I. A. i. p. 23 — Dorus, Carene, Deira, Marcaei), not included in the quota lists ? Why do others, such as Melos, which we know to have been attacked in 426 by Athens without success, and Thera, which we naturally suppose to have been neutral as at the beginning of the war, occur in the ra^ts <ji6pov ? Is it possible that tribute was paid of which no quota was dedicated to the Goddess, as we remark on the other hand that in some states (Methone, Aeson, Dicaeopolis) the quota to the Goddess continued to be paid when the tax had been remitted ? Nothing either in the history or in the inscrip- tions throws light upon these difficulties, which, though not insuperable, can only be matters of speculation. {c) No mention occurs in Thucydides of the doubling of the tribute, a measure implied in the Orators, Andocides, De Pac. (iii.) 9, Aeschines, De F. L. (ii.) 186, who speak of above 1,200 talents coming in during the peace of Nicias; and attributed to Alcibiades by the Pseudo- Andocides (in Alcib. 11). There is nothing improbable in the fact itself. The measure could have been accomplished without risk either after the Athenian triumph at Sphacteria, when the Lace- demonian power was for a time paralyzed, or during the i. 99) in the case of the cities, probably not numerous, which furnished triremes at first, may be included in the 460 talents.] ' MiiUer, F. H. G., vol. ii. pp. 617-622.