Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/60

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Ivi THUCYDIDES of the Aegean extending to the Hellespont. Such an attempt to piece one fragment of knowledge with another seems to arise only out of the slenderness of our materials. (4) Among the facts which we learn with certainty from the tribute lists is the division of the <^opos into the 'Iwviws ({)opos, EWrj(rrrovTio<; ^opos, €7rt ©pa/o^s or ©pantos e^opos, KaptKo? <f>6po^, and Nt^o-kotikos <t)6po^. The earlier lists have no regular arrangement, or only a very rough one. E. g. at the beginning of the sixth list the Narisbareans of Caria or the adjoining countries, the Tenedians, the Gentinians of the Troad, the Stagirites, the Cerameans of Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans of Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow each other. After the ninth list the geographical division prevails ; and in the twelfth and subsequent lists (from 443 b. c.) the cities of each division are headed by the titles 'Iwvikos (f>6pos, etc. Between 440 and 437 the Ionian and Carian tribute is united (C.I. A. 244^, many Carian cities appearing for the last time in our extant lists about the same date. The names of the different states are placed under their re- spective heads, but no geographical or other order is observed, nor do the same names follow each other in successive lists. We seem to find traces of the division in Thucydides, ii. 9 fin. : aXAat TroAfts ai vTroTeXets ovo-ai iv Wvca-L TO(Toi(r8c, Kapia rj lirX OaXda-crr], Aiopirjs Kapcrt TrpoiToiKoi, Iwvca, EX-q(rirovTo<s, to. IttI ®paKr]?, vrjaoL ocraL evros ITeAoTroi^'ryo-ou Kai Kp-qTr](i Trpos ^Xlov a.vLcr)(OVTa, 7rao"ai at aWai KuK/XaSes ttXijv Mt]Xov Koi 07;pas. (5) A fragment containing a very full list of the Thracian cities was referred by Kohler to 01. 87. i, and was thought by him to prove that Potidaea, Olynthus, Spartolus, and other cities which revolted in that year (432) must have paid tribute just before the revolt took place. The rearrangement of the stone by Kirchhoff, who puts the list back to 436 (01. 86. i), puts back also the record of the payment.