Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 1.djvu/66

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Ixii THUCYDIDES I silver vessel . weighi ng 6o drachmae I silver cup J) 39 )) I silver vessel . V. >> 153 JJ I silver cup » 30 ?» 4 silver vessels . >J 386 ?J I silver vessel .


194 5J 4 silver vessels . >? 788 J? 3 silver vessels . )> 718


I silver vessel . weight wanting. 3 tal. 2,063 5 obols. Add for the difference between the value of ' gold and silver, estimated at 13 to 1/ in the case of the golden crown . . . ! 402 3 „ 2,465 ,, 5 „ C. I. A. 194-225 are a very fragmentary series of the accounts of the ' other deities,' in which the names occur of Hephaestus, Poseidon "iTrTrtos, and Poseidon of Sunium, Here, Dionysus, the Mother of the Gods, Zeus, Artemis 'Ekuti; and Artemis 'Ayporepa, Apollo, and some Attic heroes (cp. C. I. A. 273). As to the amount or character of the treasure little can be made out : a ' tenth from the sale of captives,' [p]eKdTr] dvSpaTroSwj', is dedicated to Artemis 'Ayporepa. That the series begins before 429 is proved by words which occur in one of the inscriptions (194) : — [iirl 'ETrayttetj vovos ap)(ovTo<;, (B.C. 429) and — TaSe 7rape8o(rav TrapaSe^d/^ei'ot] ^ Trapa twv 7r[poT£pwv Tap-Lwyj, It may be worth observing (cp. Newton and Hicks, p. 47) that the words in the financial statement of Pericles TO. iK Twv uA.Xajv upwi' rrpoa^TLOei )(pyjfx.aTa ovk oAtya are not necessarily connected with twv aXXcov ^eau' in the expression TapLML Twv dAAwv OeiLv. For Thucydides is speaking of temples 'other than those on the Acropolis,' or 'other ' Hdt. iii. 95. C. I. A. i. p. 160, iv. Suppl. iii. p. 146, show that the ratio (which of course varied as it does now' was higher, viz. about 14 : i, shortly before the beginning of the Peloponnesian war.